Master of Acoustics Acoustics – Master:Online, study while working; expiring (study while working) German
Master of Science Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering (WASTE) English
Master of Science Building Physics and Environmental Responsive Construction – Master:Online, study while working (study while working) German
Master of Science Geomatics Engineering (GEOENGINE) – expired; from winter semester 2025/26: Geomatics for Environmental Monitoring (GEM) English
Master of Business Engineering International Construction: Practice and Law – Master:Online, study while working - expiring (study while working) English
Master of Business Engineering Intra- und Entrepreneurship (tech) – Master:Online, study while working (study while working) German
Master of Business Engineering Logistics Management – Master:Online – study while working (study while working) German
Master of Science Maschinenbau / Mechanical Engineering – Master's program with Georgia Tech German English
Master of Science Mechanical Engineering / Micro Engineering, Apparatus Technology and Technical Optics German
Bachelor of Arts Vocational Education / Technical Education – expiring; from WS 2023/24: Vocational Education B.A. Major Subject, Minor Subject – German