Planning and Preparation
Have a look at our website Planning and preparing your stay abroad. We provide you with all the important general information.
We are happy that you are interested in our exchange program to the US or Canada!
The partner universities of the University of Stuttgart (direct-exchange programs) and of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg (state-to-state programs) provide tuition free university spots for a limited number of students each year.
Please note that you are not exempt from administrative fees. These are, depending on the university, between USD 100 and USD 1000 per semester. In addition, at some universities you will have to take out the university's own health insurance.
In order to participate in one of the exchange programs, we ask you to keep in mind the following information and plan accordingly:
- Bachelor’s program: at the start of studies at the host institution students have to be at least in the 5th semester
- Master’s program: at the start of studies at the host institution students have to be at least in the 1st semester
- Participation in an information session on study abroad programs in the US and Canada
- Participation in an one-on-one advising: please make an appointment with the Program Coordinator for Americas after participation in the information session
English language proficiency: English language skills: The basic requirement for participation in the exchange program is either the TOEFL iBT or Duolingo test. Please note that only the TOEFL iBT is recognized by all partner universities.
The majority of our partner universities require an overall minimum score of 79 points in the TOEFL iBT. Please note, however, that an increasing number of universities require a higher score or set specific minimum scores in the individual sections. In the Duolingo test, most universities require a score between 100 and 110.
Detailed requirements of the individual universities can be found in the overview of partner universities. Please note that all information is not guaranteed, as certain data may change at short notice. For the most up-to-date information, please visit the websites of the respective partner universities.
French language proficiency: level B1 (only for applications to the Ecole Polytechnique Montréal)
As an exchange student you will be enrolled at the host institution as a special student (non-degree). This status will give you access to most courses (usually undergraduate and sometimes graduate courses, also interdisciplinary), but you cannot acquire a degree.
- Bachelor´s students will be enrolled in the undergraduate studies
- Master´s students will be enrolled either in the graduate or in the undergraduate studies, depending on the partner university. Even as an undergraduate student you will usually have the option to take one or two graduate courses per semester. The partner institution makes the decision about your status as an undergraduate or graduate student.
- Fall term: September - December
- Winter term: January - April
- Fall term: August - December
- Spring term: January - May
Application deadlines:
- October 15: for a stay starting at the earliest in the fall term of the following year
- February 1: extended deadline (at this point only remaining places will be allocated)
In order to give you an overview of courses at host universities that have been recognized at the University of Stuttgart, we have compiled a list for you: Overview of previously recognized courses from abroad
Please note the following:
- You can find information about the recognition procedure at the University of Stuttgart at the Examination Office.
- The list is an indication of possible recognition of courses taken abroad. The final decision lies with the respective chairmen of the examination board.
- The information on the modules is based on the feedback of former exchange students. Only the information that we receive from the students is listed, which is why the module name or course title is sometimes missing.
- This list is not final, but will be updated and extended every semester.
- If partner universities do not appear in this list, it does not mean that courses cannot be recognized. Either the university has only recently become a partner university of the University of Stuttgart or we have not received any feedback from students yet. Another possibility is that students do not receive credit for their studies at the University of Stuttgart from abroad.
- You can filter the list by clicking on the corresponding arrow symbol.
Partner universities
The following partner universities offer exchange programs. The specifics of the partner universities are highlighted below (sorted by country and state-to-state program):
There are direct partnerships with three universities in Canada:
Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor´s and Master´s students in engineering
- Regular courses offered in French only
- Master´s students may choose a maximum of one graduate course per semester
- Starting 2020, courses for Master´s students will be offered in English each fall term as part of thematic clusters; students can select only one cluster, from which they must take all courses. Overview available cluster
- Language certificate: French B1 (French-language courses); for cluster program TOEFL iBT / Duolingo
- Factsheet Cluster Program / Factsheet French Program
- Information about studying at Polytechnique Montréal
- Costs: Enrollment in local health insurance is mandatory
- Exchange places 2025/26: 5 for French language courses, 5 for cluster program
University of Toronto, Toronto
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor´s and Master´s students in all available departments, except business administration
- Please read all other departmental restrictions and admission requirements carefully before applying
- Master's students must be admitted to the host university by the Graduate Department of their program. This process can take a long time and admission cannot be guaranteed. Students must take the majority of courses in that department. Undergraduate courses cannot be taken by master's students
- Students may be allocated to one of the three locations: St George Campus, Mississauga Campus, and Scarborough Campus; further information on the three locations and study programs
- Proof of language proficiency undergraduate admission: TOEFL iBT 89 with at least 22 in Writing; Duolingo 120 with no subscore below 100; some programs have higher requirements
- Proof of language proficiency graduate admission: TOEFL iBT 93 with at least 22 in Writing and Speaking; some degree programs have higher requirements
- Costs: health insurance UHIP approx. CAD$ 60 per month
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 7 semester places
University of British Columbia
- Exchange for Bachelor´s and Master´s students in science and engineering. Courses must be chosen from those offered by the Faculty of Science or Faculty of Applied Science.
- Information about studying at the University of British Columbia
- Placement possible at both the Vancouver campus and the Okanagan campus in Kelowna
- Language certificate: TOEFL iBT 90 with at least 22 in Reading and Listening and 21 in Writing and Speaking / IELTS 6.5 with no score below 6.0; some degree programs have higher requirements
- Costs: health insurance approx. 220 EUR per semester
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 2 semester places
- Placement of Master´s students is possible only to a very limited extent
- When selecting university preferences within the state-to-state program, only one university in Toronto may be selected.
- Since the number of applicants to the large universities often exceeds the number of places on offer, students should also consider the smaller universities when making their selection.
- Language proficiency requirements: TOEFL iBT between 79-100 depending on host university
- Costs: health insurance UHIP approx. CAD$ 60 per month
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 2 year places
10 universities are participating in the OBW state-to-state program:
Carleton University, Ottawa
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in the humanities, social sciences, and engineering
- Courses are not available in architecture
- More information about course restrictions
- No spots are offered for the 25/26 academic year
University of Guelph, Guelph
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s degree students in all available departments
McMaster University, Hamilton
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
Nipissing University, North Bay
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s degree students only, in all available departments
- Courses are not available in education
Queen's University, Kingston
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses offered by the School of Business and by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science are not available
Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s degree students only, in all available departments
- Courses offered by the English department are not available
Western University, London
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in business administration, economics, education, kinesiology, biology, and political science
- No spots are offered for the 25/26 academic year
University of Windsor, Windsor
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s degree students only, in all available departments
- Courses are not available in education
York University, Toronto
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in business administration or in the biology and political science Master’s degree programs
There are direct partnerships with 10 universities in the US:
Montana State University, Bozeman
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Information about studying at Montana State University
- Language certificate: TOEFL iBT 71 (undergraduate) or TOEFL iBT 80 (graduate) / Duolingo 110
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 1 semester place
University of Arizona, Tucson
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in business administration and computer science
- Information about studying at the University of Arizona
- Proof of language proficiency: TOEFL iBT 70, Engineering 79; individual degree programs may have higher requirements
- Costs: fees & health insurance approx. US$ 2,800 per semester
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 4 semester places
University of Kansas, Lawrence
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in education
- Among the nominees, scholarships of approx. US$ 3,500 per semester are awarded each year to outstanding Master’s degree students
- Information about studying at the University of Kansas
- Proof of language proficiency: TOEFL iBT 79 with at least 18 in all sections (undergraduate) or with at least 23 in all sections (graduate) / Duolingo test 115. If the TOEFL score is lower or the Duolingo test is submitted, a language test must be taken on site and, if applicable, a language course. The TOEFL iBT must be taken for the scholarship place.
- Costs: fees & health insurance approx. US$ 1,500 per semester
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 4 semester places
University of Oklahoma, Norman
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in business administration
- Information about studying at the University of Oklahoma
- Proof of language proficiency: TOEFL iBT 61 / Duolingo 90 (undergraduate) or TOEFL iBT 79 / Duolingo 115 (graduate)
- Costs: fees & health insurance approx. US$ 1,300 per semester
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 6 semester places
University of Missouri, St. Louis
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities
- Information about studying at the University of Missouri, St. Louis & Virtual Tour
- Language certificate: TOEFL iBT 61 / Duolingo 90 (undergraduate) or TOEFL iBT 79 / Duolingo 110 (graduate)
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 2 semester places
Saint Louis University, St. Louis
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Information about studying at Saint Louis University
- Language certificate: TOEFL iBT 80 / Duolingo 110; individual degree programs may have higher requirements
- Costs: fees approx. US$ 650 per semester
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 2 semester places
Purdue University, West Lafayette
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- All students are enrolled as undergraduate students and may take courses up to and including 59999-level
- Information about studying at Purdue University
- Proof of language proficiency: TOEFL iBT 80 with at least 20 in each section / Duolingo 110
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 2 semester places
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in science and engineering
- The academic year is divided into quarters: fall quarter = Aug - Dec; winter quarter = Dec - Feb; spring quarter = March - May
- Information about studying at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
- Proof of language proficiency: TOEFL iBT 88 with at least 20 in each section / Duolingo 110
- Costs: fees & health insurance for 2 quarters: approx. US$ 2,000; this also includes the rental fee of a university-owned laptop (mandatory)
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 6 quarter places
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Two-semester Teaching Assistantship for Teaching degree students or Master's degree students in German Studies. The first semester is spent taking courses in German Studies, and the second semester is spent gaining teaching experience as a Teaching Assistant.
- Remuneration: approx. US$ 11.000,-.
- As part of the program, an American Master's degree can be earned at the host university.
- Exchange places 2025/26: 1 year place
University of Virginia, Charlottesville
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in engineering
- All students are enrolled as undergraduate students; Master's students may take graduate courses with the approval of the appropriate instructor
- Information about studying at the University of Virginia
- Language certificate: TOEFL iBT with at least 23 in Listening & Reading and 22 in Writing & Speaking / IELTS 7.0
- Exchange places 2025/26: 3 semester places
The academic year is divided into 3 terms: fall term = Sept - Dec; winter term = Jan - March; spring term = Apr - June. The minimum stay is 2 terms.
- Language certificate: TOEFL iBT / partly Duolingo - required score and accepted tests see individual universities
- Costs: fees of approx. US$ 2.000,- for 3 trimesters
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 4 trimester places
Four universities are participating in the Oregon state-to-state program:
Oregon State University, Corvallis
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
University of Oregon, Eugene
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Duolingo language test is only accepted for undergraduate students
Portland State University, Portland
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
Willamette University, Salem
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s degree students of American Studies / English Studies only
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all departments available on the respective campus
- Only courses from the undergraduate course catalog may be taken
- Only one of the following restricted campuses may be specified in the application: Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Diego
- Students who apply for a place on the San Diego campus must still be enrolled in their Bachelor’s degree program during their stay
- The San Bernardino and San Luis Obispo campuses have a 3 term system: fall term (Sept - Dec), winter term (Jan - March), and spring term (April - June)
- Language proficiency requirements: TOEFL iBT - required score depending on campus between 61-80
- Costs: health insurance & fees depending on campus approx. US$ 500-1,800 per semester
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 2 semester places
- 22 campuses of the California State University are participating in the California state-to-state program:
Channel Islands
Dominiguez Hills
East Bay
Long Beach
Los Angeles
Monterey Bay
San Bernardino
San Diego
San Francisco
San Jose
San Luis Obispo
San Marcos
- All students are enrolled as undergraduate students at the host university. Taking graduate courses at the host university is only possible with the individual approval of the lecturers on site.
- Language proficiency requirements: TOEFL iBT / Duolingo - required score depends on the campus
- Available study programs at each university can be found here: Programme and Degree Finder
- Exchange places 2025/26: 1 semester place
There are 15 universities participating in the North Carolina state-to-state program, however, a placement is currently only possible at the following campuses:
Appalachian State University, Boone
- Program description: exchange program in all available departments
- Courses are not available in linguistics
East Carolina University, Greenville
- Program description: exchange program in all available departments
NC Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro
- Program description: exchange program in all available departments
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee
- Program description: exchange program in all available departments
- Courses are not available in architecture
NC State University, Raleigh
- Program description: exchange program in all available departments
- Courses are not available in architecture
UNC Greensboro, Greensboro
- Program description: exchange program in all available departments
- Grade average of at least 2.3 required
UNC Asheville, Asheville
- Program description: exchange program in all available departments
- Duolingo is not accepted as a language test
- Exchange for Master's degree students in all available departments
- Prerequisite for participation is a completed Bachelor's degree at the time of the stay abroad. In Massachusetts, admissions are possible only for graduate studies
- The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, offers the most exchange places in the Massachusetts state-to-state program. This means that most of the students will be placed in Amherst.
- Proof of language proficiency: TOEFL iBT / Duolingo - required score depending on host university and graduate department between 80-100 (TOEFL iBT) or at least 105 (Duolingo)
- Costs: health insurance & fees depending on host university approx. US$ 3,000 per semester
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 4 semester places
Three universities are participating in the Massachusetts state-to-state program:
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Program description: exchange program for Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in business administration
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
- Program description: exchange program for Master’s degree students in all available departments
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
- Program description: exchange program for Master’s degree students in all available departments
- The University of Connecticut offers the most exchange placements in the Connecticut state-to-state program. This means that most students are placed at the University of Connecticut
- Proof of language proficiency: TOEFL iBT 79 with at least 19 in each section/ Duolingo with at least 100; individual universities may require higher scores.
- Costs: health insurance & fees depending on host university, at the University of Connecticut approx. US$ 200,- per semester
- Exchange places 2025/26: presumably 6 semester places
Six universities are participating in the Connecticut state-to-state program:
University of Connecticut, Storrs
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in business administration at graduate level and education
- Exchange students can only take courses on campus in Storrs
Southern CSU, New Haven
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in education and communication
Central CSU, New Britain
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in education
Wesleyan University, Middletown
- Program description: exchange program for Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Courses are not available in business administration
- Applications for two-semester stays are preferred
Trinity College, Hartford
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Applications for two-semester stays are preferred
- Only courses from the undergraduate course catalog are available
Connecticut College, New London
- Program description: exchange program for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in all available departments
- Applications for two-semester stays are preferred
- Only courses from the undergraduate course catalog are available

Sibylle Langer
Program Coordinator North and Latin America
- Profile page
- +49 711 685 68596
- Write e-mail
- Mon+Tue 2-4 p.m., Tue+Thu 10 a.m. to noon (and upon request)