Planning and preparation

To make sure that you do not forget anything before your stay abroad, you should inform yourself early about obligations and deadlines.

How do I plan and prepare for my stay abroad?

In order to meet application deadlines, we advise you to obtain all important information about 1.5 years before the intended stay abroad.
In the information session you will get an initial overview of the programs that are available to you, the requirements, and more.

Questions you should ask yourself for orientation

Which country do I want to go to?
  • Do I have sufficient knowledge of the national language and the language of instruction? 
Which university would I like to attend?
  • Is the university a partner university of the University of Stuttgart?
  • Do the courses offered fit into my study program?
What funding opportunities are available to me?
  • What opportunities does the University of Stuttgart offer?

What do public and private foundations offer?

Points you should be informed about

  • Admission requirements of the host institution
  • Application deadlines
  • Application documents
  • Financing opportunities
  • Cost of living
  • Tuition fees
  • Accommodation
  • Immigration and residence regulations
  • Administrative requirements such as visa, translations, certifications, leave of absence, taking out additional health insurance

Further information on how to apply on your own initiative can be found on the website of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)

Travel preparations you should make

Once you have successfully applied for an exchange program and been placed at a host institution, there are some things that need to be done before you leave.

To give you some help, we have created a schedule for preparation.

Irrespective of the host country and the duration of their stay, students of German nationality should have their name put on the crisis prevention list of the Auswärtige Amt (Foreign Office) at least 10 days before leaving Germany. Students who do not hold German citizenship: Please visit the website of the embassy / consulate general responsible for you to find out which registration options are available.


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Dezernat Internationales

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