Bank account of the University of Stuttgart

Here you find the information concerning the bank account of the University of Stuttgart.

The University of Stuttgart charges everyone who enrolls or re-registers for the next semester a semester fee. International students and second-degree-students have to pay a tuition fee additionally (see Fees and charges; Re-registration).

The total amount has to be transferred to the bank account of the University of Stuttgart:

Bank BW Bank Stuttgart
IBAN DE15 6005 0101 7871 5216 56

Please fill in the “payment reference” (Verwendungszweck) as follows: the year and the code of the semester (S for summer or W for winter semester), your student ID number, your last name and first name(s), separated by a blank space.
Example: Reference for the payment of John Doe for the summer semester 2025 with the student ID number 1234567: 25S 1234567 Doe, John

Your data: In your C@MPUS-account (application "My Payments") the payment reference is shown with your data.

The correctness of the transfer data is vital. Incorrect data will cause transfer errors. Your enrollment / re-registration can only be processed when your payment has been recorded in your C@MPUS-account.

The time between the execution of your transfer and the display of the receipt of payment in your C@MPUS-account may take up to 7 days. If your payment will not be shown in your C@MPUS-account after 8 days please send a bank statement with the transfer data via our contact form.


University of Stuttgart

Universität Stuttgart
Keplerstraße 7
70174 Stuttgart

Legal notice


Baden-Württembergische Bank
Kleiner Schlossplatz 11
70173 Stuttgart

BW-Bank [de]

Point of contact for questions about student fees and tuition fees


Semester/Tuition Fees

  • Further information
  • Your contact regarding all questions considering semester and tuition fee (e.g. maturity, payment, transfer, exceptions, excemptions, waiver, refund).
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