Course catalogs

All courses can be looked up on C@MPUS. Furthermore annotated course catalogs describing course contents and registration are used in humanities, linguistics and social sciences.

All courses can be looked up on C@MPUS now! On C@MPUS you can also set up your personal class schedule and register for your lectures.
When you have successfully registered for a course on C@MPUS you will automatically become a member of the course on ILIAS.

The individual lecture halls are listed in the auditorium directory [de].

Information on how to create your class schedule

For setting up your class schedule you should use the following documents and programs:

  • the module manuals (also called module guide or module handbook, they contain a detailed description of the module contents and of the individual courses). You can find them on the campus management system C@MPUS (please click as follows: C@MPUS application "my degree program"- click on the book behind the study program's name).
  • the syllabi (also called overviews of module examinations or macrostructure); you can find them on the study program's website.
  • the annotated course catalogs (especially in languages and cultural studies, see below).

New students can find pointers on how to set up a class schedule, also class recommendations and partly completed class schedules on the study programs' websites. And don't forget to attend your introductory events! There you will receive all the information you need about your study program.

Study programs' websites

Annotated course catalogs describing course contents and registration are used in humanities, linguistics and social sciences. In these subjects, it is normally possible to choose from different courses. C@MPUS is increasingly replacing annotated course catalogs; to find out more on this topic, visit the respective study program websites.

Even if you are still enrolled on another study program at the University of Stuttgart, you can still register for courses on your new degree program (via the "Course catalogue" application on C@MPUS). If this is not possible, please contact the study program manager of your new study program. If your enrollment in your new study program has been successfully completed, your course registration remains intact.

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