Dual enrollment

Everything there is to know about dual enrollment at the University of Stuttgart.

Simultaneous admission and enrollment in more than one university (institution of higher education) as a rule is not feasible (Section 60 para. 1 State Higher Education Act – LHG). Exceptions may, however, be made in the following cases:

  1. Simultaneously enrolling in a study program at more than one university is only permitted if a cooperation agreement exists between the universities. This applies specifically to study programs offered jointly by the Universities of Hohenheim and Stuttgart.
  2. Dual enrollment in the Bachelor’s for the teaching degree programs:
    Combining subjects with other higher education institutions is permitted only if the institutions have concluded a cooperation agreement and coordinate their exam regulations. At present, the University of Stuttgart only cooperates with the University of Hohenheim (Subject: Biology), with the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart (Stuttgart Fine Arts Academy) (Subject: Arts) and the State University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart (Stuttgart University of Music) (Subject: Music). Combining subjects with other institutions of higher learning is not permitted!
    For combining subjects with biology, enrollment for both sub-study programs takes place only at the University of Stuttgart (no dual enrollment). For subject combinations with art or music, evidence is required of being duly enrolled for the relevant degree at the Fine Arts Academy or the University of Music
  3. Dual enrollment in the State Examination for Teachers GymPO I:
    In these cases, a dual enrollment at the University of Stuttgart and the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart (Stuttgart Fine Arts Academy), the State University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart (Stuttgart University of Music), or the Trossingen State University of Music is permissible without special concurrence by the participating university; however, evidence of enrollment at one of the named universities for this degree must be furnished to the University of Stuttgart.
  4. Dual enrollment in the State Examination for Teachers under GymPO I:
    Simultaneous enrollment in different sub-study programs for the GymPO State Examination for Teachers is invalid if a combination could be studied in toto at one university.

Please note that the high school state examination study programs were suspended for the 2015/2016 winter semester; therefore, please refer to the guidelines [de] for more information on how to complete studies for GymPO I.

Fees and contributions

General rule

  • The Administrative Fee per Section 12, para. 3 LHGebG is to be paid at the university where the bulk of the studies takes place.
  • The Student Union fee stipulated in the student fee regulations must be paid to the University of Stuttgart even when there is dual enrollment.
  • Students taking a subject combination with Biology in Hohenheim pay the full semester fees at the University of Stuttgart.

Fees and charges in combination with arts or music in the teaching degree programs

  • If you are enrolled at both universities you must pay the semester fee at the arts or music college.
  • For double enrolments, the student services fee must be paid at both universities. This means that the student services fee must also be paid to the University of Stuttgart every semester. As proof that you are exempt from paying the other fees/charges at the University of Stuttgart, you are required to submit the current enrolment letter from the arts or music college to the University of Stuttgart in each semester so that your enrolment can be confirmed. Please use our contact form to submit it.
  • If you are not (any longer) enrolled in the art or music school for your teaching degree (in other words, have already taken all arts sub-examinations for your teacher training program), you must pay the semester fee due to the University of Stuttgart.
  • If tuition fees are due, these must be paid at the university where you pay your semester contribution.

Legal basis

  • Admissions and Matriculation Regulations of the University of Stuttgart
  • Act on Fees in Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHGebG)
  • State of Baden-Wuerttemberg Higher Education Act
  • Student body fee regulations of the University of Stuttgart



Points of contact for any questions about studying


Application, Admission, Enrollment

  • Further information
  • Your points of contact for application, admission and enrollment on Bachelor's and Master's study programs.
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