Erasmus+ with Partner Countries – mobility worldwide
Students and employees of the University of Stuttgart can go abroad as part of the Erasmus+ program even outside of Europe. Within the scope of this program line, the University of Stuttgart offers the options listed below.
At the University of Stuttgart, this worldwide exchange takes place via the participating faculties, whose applications have been successfully approved by the DAAD National Agency. Faculties and departments can submit new country applications every year. The official call for applications for “Erasmus+ with partner countries” is usually published in the fall.
Current country cooperations within Erasmus+ KA171
Erasmus+ partner:
Ain Shams University, Cairo
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Architecture and Urban Planning (Faculty 1)
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 (Project 2023)
Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator:
Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Goutrie
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Application deadline for outgoing students:
Please contact the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ Partner:
- Lviv Polytechnic National University
- State Institution of Higher Education Donetsk National Technical University
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Faculty 5)
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 (Project 2023)
Departmental coordinator:
Virginie Herbasch
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Ukranian students receive additionally to their monthly Erasmus+ grant a top-up amount of 250 € per month for fewer opportunities. German language skills level A1 are recommended before arrival. German language courses can be arranged.
Applications for outgoing students:
Please contact the Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ Partner:
University of Sydney (USYD)
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute for Microintegration (Faculty 7)
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 (Project 2023)
Departmental coordinator:
Dr. Thomas Günther
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Applications for outgoing students:
Please contact the Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ Partner:
Beijing Insitute of Technology (BIT-AMT), Beijing
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute for Microintegration (Faculty 7)
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 (Project 2023)
Departmental coordinator:
Dr. Thomas Günther
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Applications for outgoing students:
Please contact the Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ Partner:
University of Canterbury (UCBS)
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science, ENI (Faculty 10)
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 (Project 2023)
Departmental coordinator:
Dominik Hörauf
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Applications for outgoing students:
Please contact the Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ Partner:
Shibaura Insitute of Technology (SIT), Tokyo
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, BMT (Faculty 4)
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 (Project 2023)
Departmental coordinator:
Prof. Giorgio Cattaneo
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Applications for outgoing students:
Please contact the Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ Partner:
University of British Columbia (UBC)
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Use of Energy, IER (Faculty 4)
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 (Project 2023)
Departmental coordinator:
Prof. Peter Radgen
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Applications for outgoing students:
Please contact the Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ Partner:
University of Namibia (UNAM), Windhoek
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute of Language and Literature Studies (Faculty 9), Neuere Deutsche Literatur I
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 (Project 2023)
Departmental coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Annette Bühler-Dietrich
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Applications for outgoing students:
Please contact the Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ Partner:
North Carolina State University (NC State)
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute for Industrial Automation and Software Engineering (Faculty 5)
01.08.2023 – 31.07.2026 (Project 2023)
Departmental coordinator:
Philipp Grimmeisen
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Applications for outgoing students:
Please contact the Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ partner:
- Université Ouaga, Professeur Joseph Ki-Zerbo
- École Normale Supéieure
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute of Language and Literature Studies (Faculty 9), Neuere Deutsche Literatur I
01.08.2022 - 31.07.2025 (Project 2022)
Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Annette Bühler-Dietrich
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Application deadline for outgoing students:
Please contact the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ partner:
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute for Educational Science (IfE)
01.08.2022 - 31.07.2025 (Project 2022)
Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Zinn
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Application deadline for outgoing students:
Please contact the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ partner:
University of California, Irvine (UCI)
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering (IMVT)
01.08.2022 - 31.07.2025 (Project 2022)
Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Carsten Mehring
Funding for:
Students, lecturers, staff
Application deadline for outgoing students:
Please contact the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator
Erasmus+ partner:
Staatliche Universität Novosibirsk (NSU)
Staatliche Technische Universität (NSTU)
Staatliche Universität für Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen (SIBSTRIN)
Staatliche Universität für Geosysteme und Technologien (SSUGT)
Project partner at the University of Stuttgart:
Open to anyone interested from all faculties of the University of Stuttgart
01.08.2022 - 31.07.2025 (Project 2022)
Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Volker Schwieger
Dr. Uwe Gaisbauer
Country cooperations of the faculties from previous calls - project duration ended: Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019 (architecture and urban planning), Russia 2018 (all faculties), Iran 2020 (energy, process and bioengineering), Serbia 2018 (architecture and urban planning), Egypt 2018, 2020 (architecture and urban planning), Ukraine 2020 (electrical engineering and information technology)
- Participation requirements/selection
Cooperations projects with “Erasmus+ with partner countries” are usually supervised by a faculty or department. This is also where the participants are selected. Detailed information on selection and application deadlines can be obtained from the relevant contact person or, for all projects, from the program coordinator for Erasmus+ with partner countries at the International Office.
General selection criteria are motivation, previous academic achievements and language skills.
Please note that the EU provides special funding for participants with disabilities or restrictions.
- Funding rates for student exchange
The financial support for Erasmus+ stays in partner countries has been defined at European level by the European Commission.
Requirement for funding is a minimum stay of 3 months.
Both students from the University of Stuttgart who are sent to a program country and students from a program country who spend their Erasmus+ stay at the University of Stuttgart are eligible for funding. The funding rates are different in each case:
Home country
Host country
Partner country
700 € per month
Partner country
850 € per month
Students also receive an additional Erasmus+ grant as a contribution to travel expenses. The refund depends on the real distance between the starting point and the destination of the mobility and is calculated with the "distance calculator".
- Erasmus+ with Partner Countries – Staff Mobility
Information on staff mobility within „Erasmus + with Partner Countries“ can be found on the website for staff members.

Maren Fink
Erasmus+ Worldwide KA107/171, Staff mobility, Double degrees Europe