Erasmus+ Europe

As part of the exchange program at the University of Stuttgart, you have the opportunity to study at an Erasmus partner university in Europe for a semester or an academic year, or to do an internship within Europe.

Erasmus+ Europe – Mobility with program countries

Students who would like to study, conduct research, or do an internship in other European countries within the Erasmus+ program as part of their studies at the University of Stuttgart, will be provided with information about the opportunities, requirements, and the application procedure.

Planning and Preparation
Have a look at our website Planning and preparing your stay abroad. We provide you with all the important general information. 

After completing their first year of study, students can study as Erasmus+ students at an European university in another participating country in order to expand their social and cultural skills and improve their career prospects. In doing so, they will get to know the academic system of a foreign university as well as its teaching and learning methods. With about 250 universities in 29 European countries, all ten faculties of the University of Stuttgart maintain partnership agreements within the Erasmus+ program.

If you are interested in studying abroad within the scope of the Erasmus+ program, please sign up for an Erasmus+ Europe information session first. After you have looked independently into the Erasmus partner universities that are suitable for you, please contact the responsible Erasmus Departmental Coordinator to find out about the application requirements in your department and to introduce yourself personally.

To participate in an exchange program, please be aware of the following information:

Academic year 2024/25:
The official application deadline for all departments and a stay abroad beginning in fall 2024 (1 or 2 semesters) and in spring 2025 (1 semester) is January 15, 2024.

If the application deadline falls on a weekend, the following Monday is the actual application deadline. 

In order to apply for the Erasmus+ program, participation in an information session is mandatory.

The application deadline for remaining places (= all places that were not used by the deadline of January 15) of all departments and a stay abroad beginning in spring 2025 (1 semester) is June 15, 2024

The overview of the remaining places is published every year.

If the application deadline falls on a weekend, the following Monday is the actual application deadline. It is not possible to start your studies abroad in the fall with a remaining place.

In order to apply for the Erasmus+ program, participation in an information session is mandatory.

The application documents can vary depending on the department. However, all applications must include the following documents:

  • Priority list: in the priority list, you have the opportunity to select up to five European partner universities. A choice of three priorities is strongly recommended.
  • Cover letter (approx. 1 page, in German or English), personal and academic motivation for your 1st priority
  • CV (approx. 2 pages, in German or English), with details and proof of language proficiency in the language of instruction at the host university (e.g. copy of high school diploma, copy of language certificate, or proof of participation in a language course)
  • Current academic transcript from C@mpus (with details of the credits earned so far and the average grade) as well as a copy of your Bachelor’s degree certificate, if already available
  • Subject-specific documents, if required (please check with the Erasmus departmental coordinator, for example in Architecture: portfolio)

Please submit your complete application documents on time and in digital form exclusively to the Erasmus Departmental coordinator of your 1st priority.

Only one application may be submitted per applicant. In case of violation, you will automatically be excluded from the application and selection process. Students of Bachelor’s programs with major and minor can mix their priorities between the different subjects. Nevertheless, only one application may be submitted here, i.e. it is not possible to submit a separate application for subject 1 and a separate application for subject 2.

The following selection criteria apply:

  • professional qualification / academic achievements
  • explanatory statement / motivation for the study plan
  • interests and activities apart from studying (e.g. activities as a mentor for international students at the University of Stuttgart, student council, volunteer work, etc.)
  • language skills and subject-specific criteria (please check with your Erasmus Departmental Coordinator)

Please note that the number of places per partner university is limited. If there are more applicants than places for a specific Erasmus partner university in an academic year, a selection process will be carried out by the Erasmus Departmental coordinator. In the selection process, applications from students of disciplines outside the respective department’s subject area will have a lower priority.

About 4 weeks after the application deadline, the Erasmus Departmental Coordinator informs the International Office of their selection in form of a list of nominated students. About 6 weeks after the application deadline, all nominated students will be informed by the International Office by email about the further workflow, the required documents, and the Erasmus grant.

The rights and obligations of the students participating in the Erasmus program are laid down in the student charter.

Depending on the start of the mobility, all participants will receive an invitation to the Erasmus seminar, which is offered once per semester by the International Office. Students will obtain important information about workflow. The seminar also offers the opportunity to address further questions and to engage with former outgoing students.

Students who have been selected for a place in the Erasmus+ program should always use our checklist to organize their Erasmus mobility. The checklist includes an overview of the workflow before, during, and after the studies abroad. After a successful application, the checklist and all relevant documents will be made available as download in the Mobility Online portal.


Financial support for the Erasmus+ mobility

The following funding rates apply to students from German universities who are studying abroad within the scope of the Erasmus+ program in the academic year of 2022/23:

Group of countries 1

EUR 600,- per month (Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden)

Group of countries 2

EUR 540,- per month (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain)

Group of countries 3

EUR 490,- per month (Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary)

The following funding rates apply to students from German universities who are studying abroad within the scope of the Erasmus+ program in the academic year of 2021/22:

Group of countries 1

EUR 450,- per month (Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden)

Group of countries 2

EUR 390,- per month (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus)

Group of countries 3

EUR 330,- per month (Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary)

Additional funding

In addition to the monthly grant, a "social top-up" of EUR 250,- per month is paid for the following target groups:

  • students who carry out their stay abroad with child(ren).
  • students with disabilities (GdB 20 or more or with a verifiable disability that leads to additional costs during the stay abroad)
  • students with a chronic illness that demonstrably leads to additional costs during the stay abroad
  • first-time academics (students from a non-academic home)
  • working students

Only one criterion for the payment of the "social top-up" can be claimed at a time.

Information sheets are currently being prepared that explain in detail which criteria must be met in order to receive the "social top-up" and what evidence is required.

We will provide you with the information sheets as soon as possible.

A one-time "green top-up" of EUR 50,-  is paid for sustainable travel.

In addition, the subsidy amount calculated to the exact day for your stay abroad can be extended by up to four days to take into account the more time-consuming arrival or return journey.

Travel by train, bicycle, long-distance bus, carpool or on foot is eligible if at least the outward or return journey is made in this way.

Internship abroad with Erasmus+

As part of the Erasmus+ program, students and graduates can do internships at companies or organizations in other European countries. For the University of Stuttgart, the application for funding within the scope of an Erasmus+ internship is organized by the KOOR – Erasmus Services BW Liaison Office for Integrated Traineeships at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. All information about the program, the framework conditions, and the application can be found on the website of KOOR – Erasmus Services BW.

Please note the following important points in advance: 

  • The internship must be organized by yourself. The International Office does not arrange internship placements.Current internship vacancies in Europe
  • The internship must take place in a company / institution within the European program countries (27 EU member states,United Kingdom (for internships ending by September 30, 2022), Iceland, Liechtenstein, FYR Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey).
  • Funding can only be applied for if the internship is already confirmed.
  • The internship must last a minimum of 2 months (= 60 days) and may not exceed 12 months (= 360 days).
  • Both mandatory and voluntary internships can be funded.
  • Both unpaid and paid internships can be supported.

The complete application documents for funding must be uploaded to the portal of KOOR - Erasmus Services BW at least 1 month before the start of the internship. For example, if your internship starts on 15.01.2022, you must submit your application documents by 15.12.2021 at the latest.

A prerequisite for funding a thesis (seminar / term paper, research paper, degree thesis) as an internship is a full-time job (at least 30 hours per week) and the “internship nature” of the thesis, which must be highlighted in the learning agreement.

Graduates wishing to complete an internship can also be funded. As a graduate, you can do the internship, for example, between your Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs, or after completing your Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree. It is important that the internship is completed within one year after graduating. A prerequisite for eligibility is that you are still enrolled at the time of application; however, you must already be de-registered during the internship.

Financial support for the Erasmus+ internship

Group of countries 1

EUR 750,- per month (Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden)

Group of countries 2

EUR 690,- per month (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus)

Group of countries 3

EUR 640,- per month (Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary)

Additional funding

In addition to the monthly grant, a "social top-up" of EUR 250,- per month is paid for the following target groups:

  • Students who carry out their stay abroad with child(ren).
  • Students with disabilities (GdB 20 or more or with a verifiable disability that leads to additional costs during the stay abroad)
  • Students with a chronic illness that demonstrably leads to additional costs during the stay abroad
  • First-time academics (students from a non-academic home)
  • Working students

Only one criterion for the payment of the "social top-up" can be claimed at a time.

A one-time "green top-up" of EUR 50,- is paid for sustainable travel.

In addition, the subsidy amount calculated to the exact day for your stay abroad can be extended by up to four days to take into account the more time-consuming arrival or return journey.

Travel by train, bicycle, long-distance bus, carpool or on foot is eligible if at least the outward or return journey is made in this way.


This image shows Britta Goertz

Britta Goertz


Institutional Coordinator Erasmus+ Program Coordinator Europe

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