Examination deadlines

Orientation exam deadline, maximum duration of study or deadline for retaking exams – this page explains the various deadlines that you need to observe during your time at university.

At the University of Stuttgart, there are three key examination deadlines: The orientation exam deadline (applicable only to Bachelor's degree programs), the deadline for retaking exams, and the maximum duration of study. This website gives you a general overview. You can find the exact regulations on examination deadlines in the examination regulations for your study program.

1) Orientation exam deadline (Bachelor's study programs only)

Only Bachelor's study programs have an orientation exam. This usually consists of one or more modules. To find out which graded assessments are included in the orientation exam, please refer to your study program's examination regulations. 

The orientation exam must be taken by the beginning of the lecture period of the third semester (= orientation exam deadline). If the orientation exam, including any repeat examinations, is not completed by the beginning of the lecture period of the fourth semester, the right to take examinations for this study program expires.

If you fail a graded assessment that is part of the orientation exam, you may only repeat this once. Depending on the examination regulations, an oral repeat examination may be held following a failed written examination. There is no oral examination for course exams (LBP) and coursework (USL, BSL).

2) Maximum duration of study

The maximum duration of study is the period within which you must have completed your study program in full. The exact number of semesters is laid down in the exam regulations. The date of your last examination or coursework is the determining factor. If you exceed the deadline, your right to take examinations for this degree program expires.

Please note: The maximum duration of study should not be confused with the standard period of study!

Extending the orientation exam deadline and maximum duration of study

Under certain circumstances, it is possible to extend the orientation exam period and maximum duration of study. A distinction is made between the following:

  • Student application for extending the deadline
  • Automatic deadline extension

Applying for a deadline extension

As a student, you may apply for an extension of the orientation exam deadline and the maximum duration of studies. However, there must be valid reasons beyond your control for exceeding the deadline in order to qualify for an extension.

Application for a deadline extension

The completed application for a deadline extension must be submitted to the head of the examination committee for your study program. They decide whether to approve or decline the application. Once your application has been approved, please submit this to the Student Service and Examination Office. You can do this using the contact form, during office hours or by post.

Heads of the Examination Committee

Automatic deadline extension

In certain cases, extensions are granted without you having to submit an application. These are described briefly below. The exact rules can be found in your examination regulations.

In some Bachelor of Arts study programs (single-subject, major and minor subject, and teaching degree), certain foreign language skills are required to pass the orientation examination. And for some Master of Education courses, the admission regulations stipulate certain foreign language skills.

Ideally, you should have already acquired these foreign language skills before you begin your studies and can provide proof of this (e.g. with your university entrance qualification). If this is not the case, you will have to catch up by learning the foreign language during your studies. To compensate for this, you will receive an automatic extension of the orientation exam deadline and the maximum duration of study in the relevant part of your study program.

Please review the detailed regulations below, based on your specific degree program:

Bachelor’s program with major and minor*

The orientation exam deadline and the maximum duration of study for the relevant partial study program will be extended by one semester for each language that you have to catch up on in order to pass the orientation exam. In total, the deadline can be extended by a maximum of two semesters. The deadline extension is automatically booked in C@MPUS in the third semester by default. 

*This regulation also applies to the single-subject Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics.

Bachelor of Arts Teaching degree

The orientation exam deadlines and maximum duration of study are extended by two semesters for the relevant partial study program if your Latin or Greeks skills are insufficient. If other foreign language skills are required to pass the orientation examination, the orientation exam deadline and maximum duration of study are extended by one semester for the respective partial study program. The deadline extension is automatically booked in C@MPUS in the third semester by default.

Master of Education teaching degree (combined Master’s and additional subject Master’s)

The maximum duration of study is extended if (in accordance with section 3 Para. 4 of the admission regulations for the Master's study programs for teaching at High-School level) you need to improve your foreign language skills. The maximum duration of study is extended by two semesters if you need to improve your Latin or Greek to the required level. If other foreign languages are required, the maximum duration of study is extended by one semester for the respective partial degree program.
These regulations also apply to students admitted to a Master's program whose language skills are not sufficient and were not fulfilled as part of their university entrance qualification or Bachelor's degree program.

Students of science, technology, engineering and mathematics receive an automatic extension of the standard study period, the orientation exam deadline and the maximum duration of study if they qualify for the MINT-Kolleg. For one semester of qualified participation, the respective deadline is extended by one semester. This regulation applies for a maximum of two semesters. The respective examination regulations determine when qualified participation in the MINT-Kolleg has been achieved.

Read more details on the MINT-Kolleg website [de].

3) Deadline for retaking exams

Depending on the examination regulations, a failed examination must be repeated either on the next exam date or within the next two semesters (= deadline for retaking exams). To find out the deadline for retaking exams, please refer to the relevant examination regulations. If the repeat examination is not taken on time, the grade “insufficient” (5.0) will be recorded for the missed resit. 

Please note:
  • Oral repeat examinations must take place immediately after the written repeat examination (i.e. not within two semesters).
  • During a leave of absence, you are exempt from the requirement to retake exams. 
  • The obligation to repeat an assessment continues to apply after deregistration. This means that even after deregistration, you are obliged to repeat an examination that you have previously failed. You do not have to be enrolled to repeat the assessment.
  • Special rules for coursework: Failed coursework must also be repeated, but there is no deadline.

Coursework and exams:
Find out more about the differences between examinations and coursework in the Uni A-Z.

Withdrawal from repeat examinations

Unlike the orientation exam deadline or the maximum duration of studies, students cannot apply for an extension of the deadline for retaking exams. If circumstances beyond your control prevent you from attending a rescheduled examination, you may submit an application for approval of withdrawal. For more details on the procedure for withdrawing from an exam, please visit the exam organization website. Send the completed application for approval of withdrawal (if necessary, with the approval of the head of the examination committee) to the Student Service and Examination Office. You can do this using the contact form, during office hours or by post. 

In the event of an approved withdrawal, the repeat examination must be taken in the following semester.

Special regulations for examination deadlines

The examination regulations, particularly in section 6, include special provisions for the approval of deadline extensions for the following groups:

Guidance on balancing studies with family responsibilities is available through Uni & Family. Requests for deadline extensions should be submitted to the respective head of the examination committee.

Information can be found on the Studying with a disability or chronic illness website. The Commissioner for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses will be happy to advise you.

If you are

  • an elected member of statutory committees or bodies at the university or Studierendenwerk or
  • a member of a municipal council, local council, district advisory council or district council (in German: Gemeinderat, Ortschaftsrat, Bezirksbeirat, Kreistag)

you may apply for an extension of examination deadlines, including the orientation exam deadline, maximum duration of studies, and deadline for retaking exams.



Student Service and Examination Office

Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart

  • Further information
  • Please contact the Student Service and Examination Office via our contact form, phone or during our office hours (onsite or online).
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