Standard period of study

The standard period of study indicates the number of semesters in which the degree of your study program can be completed. It is laid down in the exam regulations of your study program.

The standard period of study indicates the number of semesters in which the degree of your study program can be completed. It is laid down in the exam regulations of your study program. At the University of Stuttgart, it is usually

  • 6 semesters for the bachelor's degree and
  • 4 semesters for the master's degree

Often the average duration of a study program is longer than the standard period of study. There are several reasons for this. For example, one or more semesters abroad, re-sitting an examination, or a voluntary internship can extend the period of study.

Maximum duration of study

As a rule, for the bachelor's and master's degree programs, a maximum duration of study is set which must not be exceeded — for the bachelor's degree programs it is usually 10 semesters, for the master's degree programs it is usually 8 semesters. The exact number of semesters is laid down in the exam regulations.

Exam regulations of all study programs



Student Service and Examination Office

Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart

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