Study abroad

You are interested in spending time abroad during your studies? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Office hours

The International Office offers office hours on site to international students and to all students interested in studying abroad:

Monday & Wednesday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Tuesday & Thursday 10 a.m. to noon

Some of our staff members still work from home. Want to talk to a specific person? Then we recommend you make an appointment.

International researchers and doctoral students make an appointment for a personal consultation.

Come and see us at the IZ!

Online office hours at the International Office are offered

Monday & Wednesday 10 a.m. to noon

to international students and

to students interested in studying abroad

International researchers and doctoral students make an appoinment for an online consultation.

Studying abroad requires initiative, perseverance, and courage. A stay abroad is usually associated with additional costs.
Why then do it?

  • You can consider a stay abroad a 'worthwhile investment' in your personal development and future career.
  • The job market today demands multilingual, flexible, and internationally experienced employees.
  • Last but not least: spending time in a new environment and in a foreign language means a lot of fun, adventure, new friendships and travels!

We are happy for your interest and hope you’ll have a great time and fun abroad!

How to find us

International Office
Campus Vaihingen
Pfaffenwaldring 60 (IZ)
70569 Stuttgart


This image shows Dezernat Internationales

Dezernat Internationales

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