
As part of the exchange programs of the University of Stuttgart, you have the opportunity to study at an Erasmus host institution in or outside Europe for a semester or an academic year, or to do an internship within Europe.

International students

We are happy to receive applications from incoming Erasmus students!

The Erasmus+ program

Erasmus+ is the EU’s program to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The program generation 2021 – 2021 has a budget of around 26 billion EUR.

The funding is primarily used to strengthen mobility between the European program countries (Erasmus+ Europe) and, since 2015, to a lesser extent also with other parts of the world (Erasmus+ Worldwide).

Erasmus+ aims to promote lifelong learning, enable sustainable growth, strengthen social cohesion and European identity, and drive innovation. At the heart of the program are the themes of inclusion and diversity, sustainability, digitization, and civic engagement, which are closely linked.

For the University of Stuttgart, the mobility of individuals in the framework of the Erasmus+ Program has been an integral part of the university’s international activities and its largest exchange program for decades.

Through this program, students are eligible for funding not only for semester and year-long stays at partner universities, but also for internships abroad and blended learning formats (short-term mobility with a virtual component). Within the framework of Erasmus+, doctoral students as well as teaching and administrative staff can also participate in mobility activities.

In addition to funding mobility, the Erasmus+ Program also includes funding lines for cooperation projects.
The program is coordinated by the Erasmus+ team in the International Office of the University of Stuttgart.

The Erasmus+ program supports the mobility of individuals (students and staff members) within Europe and worldwide:

Erasmus+ Europe – Mobility with program countries

Erasmus+ Worldwide – Mobility with partner countries

  • Opportunity of studying at one of the Erasmus host institution 
  • For each degree program (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD), students will receive funding for a maximum of 12 months (= 360 days).
  • Exemption from tuition fees at the host institution.
  • Financial support in the form of an Erasmus grant.
  • From 2022, additional financial support for:
    sustainable travel (green travel)
    disadvantaged groups (fewer opportunities)
  • Recognition of study achievements made at the host institution, after prior consultation with the examination committee, the Erasmus departmental coordinators within the faculties, and lecturers. Detailed information regarding the recognition of study achievements can be found in our FAQs
  • Support in the subject- and language-specific preparation for the stay abroad by the University of Stuttgart and the host institution.
  • Assistance by the host institution regarding accommodation and cultural life.
  • You are enrolled at the University of Stuttgart during your planned stay abroad.
  • At the time of your stay abroad, you are enrolled at least in the 3rd semester of a Bachelor's, or in the 1st semester of a Master’s degree program.
  • The exchange period is at least 2 months (= 60 days) and no more than 12 months (= 360 days). 
  • The stay abroad can be integrated into your study program, i.e. the possibility of recognizing study achievements made abroad is given, but not compulsory.
  • Funding: during your exchange, you are not receiving grants from another EU and / or DAAD program (e.g. DAAD annual scholarship, PROMOS etc.). The Erasmus grant can be combined with a BAföG grant for studies abroad and, for example, with a scholarship from one of the German Begabtenförderungswerke (organizations funding gifted education / talented and gifted programs).
  • Language skills: you have sufficient language skills to be able to attend the courses at the host institution. The EU strongly recommends a language level of at least B2 for English, and B1 for all other foreign languages. Each host institution has its own language requirements, which you must meet in order to be admitted.

One focus of the new Erasmus+ program generation is social participation along with equal opportunities. Taking part in the program should thus become more attractive for all persons who have so far refrained from a stay abroad for socio-economic reasons or have only rarely used it. The aim is to cover, better reach and promote all diversity dimensions within the program.

For this reason students from disadvantaged backgrounds and participants with special needs will be granted additional financial support in order to facilitate their access to the program.

Therefore, within the framework of an Erasmus+ mobility, a social top-up of 250,- EUR/month will be paid to the following participants from the academic year 22/23 onwards, in addition to the regular Erasmus+ funding:

The social top-up will be granted to the following participants:

  • Students who carry out their stay abroad with child(ren)
  • Students with disabilities (Degree of disability from 20 or with a verifiable disability that leads to additional costs during the stay abroad)
  • Students with a chronic illness that demonstrably leads to additional costs during the stay abroad
  • First-time academics (students from a non-academic background)
  • Employed students

Only one criterion for the payment of the social top-up can be claimed at a time.

Detailed information sheets explaining in detail which criteria have to be met in order to receive the social top-up and which proofs are required can be found in our mobility platform Mobility-Online after your official nomination.

Participants with a GdB of 20 or more, with a disability that can be proven in another way and those with chronic illnesses are entitled to apply for the assumption of real costs as an alternative to the social top-up. In this case the financial support (max. 15.000,- EUR per semester) will be calculated according to the personal needs and will be paid in addition to the regular Erasmus+ funding.

If you belong to one of the target groups mentioned here, please do not hesitate and contact our Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator directly.

For more information on the Erasmus+ special funding, please visit the NA DAAD website.

The Erasmus+ Program seeks to become significantly "greener" during the new program generation.

The aim is to raise participants' awareness not only of the issues of sustainability, climate change and environmental protection, but also of the ecological footprint generated by their mobility abroad.

In order to encourage students to choose a resource-saving travel method for their stay abroad, the Erasmus+ program grants an extension of up to six days (maximum 3 per route) to the funding period of their mobility in the case of a sustainable outward or return journey. This is intended to take account of the more time-consuming journey there and back.

Funding is available for travel by train, bicycle, long-distance bus, carpool or on foot if at least the outward or return journey is made in this way.

For more information on Erasmus+ Green, please visit the NA DAAD website.

Tips on alternative travel can be found on our flyer "Going abroad by train".

Are you interested in sustainability projects at the University of Stuttgart? Please visit the following websites:

Erasmus+ is designed to promote equal opportunities and inclusion. Therefore students from disadvantaged backgrounds (in Germany, this applies to students with children) and students / staff with special needs are given easier access to the program. As part of an Erasmus+ mobility measure, special funding can be applied for as a grant for additional costs. More information on additional support for special needs can be found on the DAAD website, or you can ask our Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator.
Also, you can find more information at the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education. 

If you are interested in university studies abroad or in doing an internship within the scope of the Erasmus+ program, please contact Department 22: Global Studies within the Division II - International Office of the University of Stuttgart. The most important information is conveyed at the International Center (IZ) as part of the group advising session for Europe. At the International Office, the institutional coordination and program coordination Erasmus+ Europe will be at your disposal if you have questions about the Erasmus+ Europe program line, and Ms. Britta Goertz will provide information about the Erasmus+ Worldwide program line.

The subject-specific and organizational advice as well as the application for a place in the Erasmus+ program is handled by the Erasmus Departmental Coordinators. They also provide information on the areas of specialization at the individual partner universities, the prerequisites for the department’s recognition of study achievements abroad, application modalities and deadlines, and the selection criteria.

The Erasmus+ program does not include insurance coverage. Neither the European Commission nor the University of Stuttgart is liable for damage, illnesses, and accidents that arise in connection with a stay abroad. Students and staff must make sure that they are adequately insured during their stay abroad. Please inquire with your insurance companies in advance.

The following insurance coverage is recommended:

  • International health insurance with return transport
  • Accident insurance with international travel cover (applies after primary care by the health insurance, e.g. in the event of consequential damage resulting from an accident)
  • Liability insurance with international travel cover
Health insurance

Statutory health insurance:

  • Coverage: Via EHIC only if there is a social security agreement between the home and the host country
  • Hospitals and doctors: usually only “contract” hospitals; possibly no free choice of doctor
  • Coverage of treatment costs: only up to the rate usual in Germany; the difference must be paid from your own resources
  • The return transport is usually not included

A private additional travel health insurance should include:

  • Coverage: Guaranteed in all countries
  • Free choice of doctor
  • Complete coverage of the treatment costs incurred
  • Return transport

You have the following health insurance options:

  • As a member of a statutory health insurance, you can also claim benefits abroad using the form E128 or the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), depending on the applicable social security law in the relevant country. Before you leave, you should check with your insurance provider to what extent this agreement applies to your host country, and then you can apply for the required insurance form or card. The DAAD points out that the introduction of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) often only guarantees emergency medical care in the event of illness or an accident in the respective host country. Since the insurance coverage is therefore insufficient, the DAAD recommends a private additional travel health insurance.
  • Private health insurance companies generally do not have Europe-wide social security agreements. Please check with your health insurance provider in advance about insurance coverage abroad.
  • Partner universities offer student health insurance as part of the enrollment, which you can or must use in addition to your health insurance
  • Students have the option to be included in the group insurance of the DAAD for health, accident, and private liability insurance.
Accident insurance

The difference between the health insurance and accident insurance is that, although the health insurance is effective in the event of an accident (e.g. broken leg), it does not cover the resulting consequential damage (e.g. rehab measures). Accident insurance, therefore, steps in after the primary care provided by the health insurance. Important: Accident insurance is never included in the statutory health insurance. The statutory accident insurance only covers costs for accidents on the way to and from work; valid only in Germany. A private accident insurance ought to guarantee coverage both during working hours and during leisure time, worldwide. Please inquire with your insurance provider.

In case of serious complaints and fundamental criticism of the Erasmus+ program, please do not hesitate to contact the following persons:

 Every higher education institution participating in the Erasmus+ program must have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). The ECHE is awarded by the European Commission and demonstrates that a university meets all the requirements for successful participation in the Erasmus+ program. According to the requirements of the European Commission, both the ECHE and the European Policy Statement (EPS) must be published on the website of the university:

The obligations and rights of the students in the Erasmus+ program are laid down in the student charter.


Liability clause

This project was funded with the support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for the content of this publication; the Commission is not liable for the further use of the information contained therein.

National agency "DAAD"

Further information and advice on the Erasmus+ mobility scheme can be found at the

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD):
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn
Phone: +49 800 2014020
Fax: +49 228 882-555


This image shows Britta Goertz

Britta Goertz


Institutional Coordinator Erasmus+ Program Coordinator Europe

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