C@MPUS - instructions and tips

Information, support and documentation regarding the C@MPUS-Management-Portal

What is C@MPUS?

You will need the campus management portal C@MPUS throughout your studies: For everything from application and enrollment, to course and exam registration and de-registration. These pages offer instructions and explanations for individual C@MPUS applications related to your studies.


C@MPUS tips

After you have activated your student account, you must adjust your profile and switch from the "Basic user" to the "Student" profile. Only then will you be able to access all C@MPUS applications. You change your profile via the business card.

C@MPUS Business card 

Students: In case you forgot your username, please contact the help desk of the TIK ('studentische Benutzerberatung') to request your username (TIK-account st123456). The helpdesk team can also reset your password, but your appearance in person in their premises and your student ID card is required.
In case you know your login details, you can reset your password yourself on the webpage of the user management.

Former students: Your student account (st123456) remains active for 8 months after the removal from the register of students.

Master data (name, date of birth, gender, nationality): Please contact the Contact Center. You need to provide your registration number or applicant number and a copy of your passport.

Address: You can edit the address,telephone number, and e-mailaddress in C@MPUS under 'Current/Home Address'.

You sometimes have to upload several documents as one pdf file in C@MPUS. There are multiple freeware applications which allow you to merge pdf files:

With FreePDF the following steps are necessary:

  • Download and install FreePDF
  • Open the files that are to be joined
  • Go to 'Print' and select FreePDF as 'Printer'
  • There FreePDF opens
  • Click the button 'MultiDoc' and add additional documents
  • Finally, click on 'Create PDF'

If you can only see a selection of applications, you have marked some as “favorites”. By clicking on "Show all applications" you will also be able to see the applications that you have not marked as favorites.



Points of contact for questions about studying

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