Chemical- and Bio-Engineering

Bachelor of Science 

Standard Period of Study: 6 semesters
Teaching Language: German

This study program is not offered in English. For further information please visit the German version of the study program.

Among the engineering sciences, chemistry- and bio-engineering, and process engineering are characterized by their close links to physics, chemistry and biology. From the production of food, textiles, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics; to fuel production and building materials, and even energy production - process engineering is in use everywhere. Which is why the study program is divided between numerous institutes:

The Chemical- and Bio-Engineering study program

. Photo:

Bachelor of Science

Engineering Sciences



The quality of this degree program has been certified.


This image shows Antje Lohmüller

Antje Lohmüller

Dr. rer. nat.

Degree Program Manager

This image shows Joachim Groß

Joachim Groß

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Head of Institute, Program Director Chemical Engineering

This image shows Student Counseling Center

Student Counseling Center

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