Materials Science

Master of Science 

Standard Period of Study: 4 semesters
Teaching Language: English

How is the program structured?

Quick links

The Module Guide describes the modules and the required courses belonging to the module. The Module Guide (also called module handbook) is published in the Campus Management System C@MPUS.

Compact Overview of M.Sc. Materials Science (details here)

To finish the Master degree, modules must be completed in the total amout of 120 CP (CP = credit point; 1 CP equals 30 h) divided into four areas:

1. Compulsory Materials Science Modules (51 CP)
2. Compulsory Elective Materials Science Modules (30 CP)
Name CP
Modules from 1. specialization subject 6-24
Modules from 2. specialization subject 6-24
Modules from 3. specialization subject 6-24
Sum 30
3. Compulsory Elective General Studies Modules (9 CP)
Name CP
Engineering Science modules 0-9
General Skills modules 0-9
Sum 9
4. Thesis Preparation and Master Thesis (30 CP)
Name CP
Practical Skills and Project Planning already included in "Compulsory Material Science Modules"
Master Thesis 30
Specialization Subjects for Area 2

Two Specialization Subjects can be chosen from:

  • Advanced Materials Characterization
  • Functional Materials
  • Inorganic Materials Chemistry
  • Materials Theory and Simulation
  • Metals and Structural Materials
  • Nanomaterials and Surfaces
  • Polymer Science and Plastics Engineering
  • Soft Matter and Bio-Materials

More Information on M.Sc. Materials Science

Please check "Details for studying" for details on the Materials Science M. Sc. study program including details on the Master Thesis.


This image shows Ralf Schacherl

Ralf Schacherl


Fachstudienberatung Materialwissenschaft

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Student Counseling Center

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