
Medical Engineering

Master of Science 

Standard Period of Study: 4 semesters
Teaching Language: German


The macrostructure for the examination regulations 2022 shows you the basic structure of the Medical Engineering Master’s degree program. If you cannot read the macrostructure, please contact the program manager (Ms. Bosse-Mettler)


Specialization subjects

In the specialization subjects, students can expand skills that are highly relevant to medical engineering. Students must select two from the 12 specialization subjects.

Specialization Subject: Biomedical materials and process engineering
Specialization subject professor: Prof. Dr. Günter Tovar

Modules Module number Subject Turnus ECTS
Medizinische Verfahrenstechnik 33240 KF/EF SS/WS    6
Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik 47390 KF/EF SS/WS    6
Nanotechnologie 47150 KF/EF SS/WS    6
Endoprothesen 57920 EF SS/WS    6
Plasmaverfahren für die Dünnschichttechnik 40470 EF WS    3
Biomaterialien – Herstellung, Struktur und Eigenschaften 47180 EF WS    3
Nanotechnologie I – Chemie, Physik und Biologie der Nanomaterialien 25460 EF SS    3
Biomaterialien für Implantate,  33220 EF SS    3
Implantate und Organersatz,  33230 EF WS    3
Praktische Übungen Nanomaterialien
(Event times per notice at the institute)
47230 SS    3
Praktische Übungen Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik
(Event times per notice at the institute)
47200 SS    3
Praktische Übungen Biomaterialien (biokompatible Materialien)
(Event times per notice at the institute)
Prerequisite is the examination  in the module 47180
47210 SS    3
Praktische Übungen Plasmaverfahren
(Event times per notice at the institute)
47240 SS + WS    3

Subject to change without notice! 

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).


Specialization Subject: Engineering of ceramic components, composite materials and surface engineering
Specialization subject professor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. mult. Rainer Gadow

Module number
Subject Turnus ECTS
Grundlagen der Keramik und Verbundwerkstoffe 32210 KF/EF WS/SS    6
Fertigungsverfahren Faser- und Schichtverbundwerkstoffe 13040 KF/EF WS+SS    6
Neue Werkstoffe und Verfahren in der Fertigungstechnik 32500 KF/EF WS+SS    6
Oberflächen- und Beschichtungstechnik 32510 EF WS+SS    6
Materialbearbeitung mit Lasern 14140 EF WS+SS    6
Festigkeitslehre I 30390 EF WS    6
Gerätekonstruktion und -fertigung in der Feinwerktechnik 13970 EF WS    6
Additive Fertigung 74200 EF WS    3
Werkstoffe und Fertigungstechnik technischer Kohlenstoffe 32520 EF WS+SS    3
Thermokinetische Beschichtungsverfahren 32110 EF WS    3
Total Quality Management (TQM) und unternehmerisches Handeln 32530 EF WS+SS    3
Grundlagen der Zerspanungstechnologie 32540 EF WS    3
Praktikum Fertigungstechnik keramischer Bauteile, Verbundwerkstoffe u. Oberflächentechnik
(Event times per notice at the institute
32550 WS+SS    3

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: Plastics engineering
Specialization subject professor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Bonten

Module:  Kunststofftechnik Modul.-Nr. Subject Turnus ECTS
Kunststofftechnik - Grundlagen und Einführung 14010 KF/EF WS    6
Kunststoffverarbeitungstechnik 32670 EF SS    6
Konstruieren mit Kunststoffen 37690 EF SS    6
Kunststoff- Werkstofftechnik 41150 EF WS    6
Methoden der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung 60540 EF WS+SS    6
Rheologie und Rheometrie der Kunststoffe 32700 EF WS    3
Simulation in der Kunststoffverarbeitung 56310 EF SS    3
Additive Fertigung 74200 EF jedes 2. WS    3
Grundlagen der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung 39960 EF WS+SS    3
Technologiemanagement für Kunststoffprodukte 41160 EF SS    3
Erfolgreich entwickeln mit Step/Gateway-Prozessen – Theorie und Praxis 102710 EF WS    3
Faserkunststoffverbunde 60570 EF WS+SS    3
Kunststoffe in der Medizintechnik 68040 EF SS    3
Praktikum Kunststofftechnik 33790 WS    3


Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: Medical device technology
Specialization subject professor:  Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peter P. Pott

Modules Module number
Subject Turnus ECTS
Medizingerätetechnik 33090 KF WS+SS     6
Technisches Design 14240 KF/EF WS     6
Praktische Entwicklung von Medizinprodukten 75980 KF SS     6
Gerätekonstruktion und -fertigung in der Feinwerktechnik,  only as EF 13970 EF WS     6
Medizinische Messmethoden (Eng.) 75990 EF SS     6
Aktorik in der Gerätetechnik; Konstruktion, Berechnung und Anwendung mechatronischer Komponenten 32730 EF WS+SS     6
Interface-Design 32320 EF SS     6
Praxis des Spritzgießens in der Gerätetechnik, Verfahren, Prozesskette, Simulation 33260 EF SS     6
Zuverlässigkeitstechnik 14310 EF WS/SS     6
Praktische FEM-Simulation mit ANSYS und MAXWELL 33280 EF SS     3
Dynamiksimulation in der Produktentwicklung 32340 EF WS     3
Elektrische Bauelemente in der Feinwerktechnik 33300 EF SS     3
Elektronik für Feinwerktechniker 33310    EF WS     3
Medizintechnik-Regularien, not selectable with Medizingerätetechnik 76100 EF WS     3
Kunststoffe in der Medizintechnik 68040 EF SS     3
Praktische Übungen Medizingerätetechnik 47250 WS+SS     3

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: Microsystems technology
Specialization subject professor: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Zimmermann

Modules  Module number
Subject Turnus ECTS
Grundlagen der Mikro- und Mikrosytemtechnik 13540 KF/EF WS    6
Micro Technology and Microsystems Technology, alternatively to 13540   KF/EF WS    6
Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik für Mikrosysteme - Sensor- und Systemaufbau 32240 KF/EF WS+SS    6
Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik für Mikrosysteme - Technologien 33760 KF/EF SS    6
Optische Messtechnik und Messverfahren 33710 EF  SS    6
Aktorik in der Gerätetechnik; Konstruktion, Berechnung und Anwendung mechatronischer Komponenten 32730 EF WS+SS    6
Design und Fertigung mikro- und nanoelektronischer Systeme 32250 EF WS+SS    6
Grundlagen der Biomedizinischen Technik 32220 EF WS+SS    6
Wissens- und Informationsmanagement in der Produktion 13580 EF WS/SS    6
Elektronische Bauelemente in der Mikrosystemtechnik 32880 EF WS    3
Fluidische Mikrosysteme 76140 EF jedes 2. SS    3
AI-aided microsystems technology   EF WS    3
Simulationsgestützte Entwicklung und Zuverlässigkeit von Mikrosystemen   EF SS    3
Optische Mikrosysteme 76150 EF jedes 2. SS    3
Praktikum Mikrosystemtechnik
Veranstaltungszeiten: Aushang am Institut
33810 WS+SS    3

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: Optical methods and systems in medical technology
Specialization subject professor: Prof. Dr. Alois Herkommer

Module number
Subject Turnus ECTS
Entwicklung optischer Systeme 47260 KF SS    6
Optische Systeme in der Medizintechnik 46380 EF WS    6
Optische Messtechnik und Messverfahren 33710 EF SS    6
Grundlagen der Laserstrahlquellen 29990 EF WS    6
Optische Informationsverarbeitung 29950 EF SS    6
Optical Signal Processing (Eng.) 21860 EF SS    6
Lasers, Light Sources and Illumination Systems (Eng.) 46980 EF WS    6
Advanced optical design (Eng.) 49910 EF unregelm.    3
Einführung in das Optik-Design 29980 EF WS    3
Bildverarbeitungssysteme in der industriellen Anwendung 31870 EF WS    3
Praktische Übungen zu Optik in der Medizintechnik 47280 WS+SS    3

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: Imaging methods and sensor signal processing in medical technology
Specialization subject professor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bin Yang

Module: Bildgebende Verfahren und Sensorsignalverarbeitung i.d. Medizintechnik Modul.-Nr. Subject Turnus ECTS
Digitale Signalverarbeitung 11640 KF WS 6
Advanced Mathematics for Signal and Information Processing (Eng.) 77910 KF WS 6
Deep Learning (Eng.) 75960 EF SS 6
Optical Signal Processing (Eng.) 21860 EF SS 6
Entwurf digitaler Filter 17130 EF SS 6
Detection and Pattern Recognition (Eng.) 22190 EF SS 6
Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing (Eng.) 21820 EF WS 6
Technologien der medizinischen Bildgebung und Labordiagnostik 41100 EF SS 3
Digitale Bildverarbeitung, Digital Image Processing (Digital Image Processing (Eng.))
36180 EF SS 3
Matrix Computations in Signal Processing and Machine Learning (Eng.)
60230 EF WS 3
Medizinische Bildverarbeitung 73510 WS 3

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: System dynamics
Specialization subject professor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Oliver Sawodny 

Modules Module number
Subject Turnus ECTS
Modellierung und Identifikation dynamischer Systeme 33100 KF/EF SS    6
Flat Systems (Eng.) 33820 KF/EF WS    6
Dynamik verteiltparametrischer Systeme 29900 KF/EF SS    6
Elektrische Signalverarbeitung 12330 KF/EF SS    6
Systemdynamische Grundlagen der Medizintechnik 46370 KF/EF WS    6
Dynamik ereignisdiskreter Systeme 33830 EF SS    6
Dynamische Filterverfahren (Eng.) 33840 EF WS    6
Numerische Methoden der Optimierung und Optimalen Steuerung 33190 EF SS    6
Echtzeitdatenverarbeitung 12350 EF WS/SS    6
Introduction to Systems Biology (Germ. o. Eng.) 30080 EF WS    6
Systems Theory in Systems Biology (Germ. o. Eng.) 51940 EF SS    6
Rechnerübung: Modellierung und Simulation in der Systembiologie 46680 EF unreg.    6
Automatisierungstechnik 33850 EF SS    3
Objektorientierte Modellierung und Simulation 33860 EF WS    3
Smart Manufacturing in der Verfahrenstechnik 76160 EF SS    3
Trajektoriengenerierung 75360 EF WS    3
Maschinelles Lernen in der Systemdynamik 76600 EF WS    3
Praktikum Systemdynamik 33880 SS    3

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: Automation and communication
Specialization subject professor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Weyrich

Modules Module number Subject Turnus ECTS
Automatisierungstechnik II 21730 KF/EF  WS    6
Kommunikationsnetze I 11680 EF  WS    6
Technologien und Methoden der Softwaresysteme II 70010 EF  SS    6
Communications II (Eng.) 74670 EF  SS    6
Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit von Automatisierungssystemen 21980 EF  SS    3
Digital Video Communications (Eng.) 51880 EF WS    3
Ringvorlesung Verfahren der Softwaretechnik 21970 EF  WS    3
Teamarbeit IAS 17020  WS/SS    3

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: Automatic control
Specialization subject professor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Allgöwer

Module: Regelungstechnik  Modul.-Nr. Subject Turnus ECTS
Konzepte der Regelungstechnik 18610 KF WS 6
Model Predictive Control (Eng.) 31720 EF SS 6
Nonlinear Control (Eng.) 18640 EF SS 6
Data-Driven Control  (Engl.) 104760 EF WS 3
Robust Control (Eng.) 18630 EF unreg. 6
Optimal Control (Eng.) 18620 EF WS 6
Einführung in die Chaostheorie 57680 EF WS 6
Convex Optimization (Eng.) 29940 EF WS 6
Statistisches Lernverfahren und stochastische Regelungen  67140 EF WS 6

Advanced Topics in Convex Optimization, neu

107110 EF SS 6
Introduction to Adaptive Control (Eng.) 51840 EF WS 3
Mehrgrößenregelung 38850 EF SS 3
Projektarbeit Regelungstechnik 29930 WS/SS 3

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: Biomedical engineering
Specialization subject professor:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Giorgio Cattaneo

Module: Biomedical Engineering
Modul.-Number Subject Turnus ECTS
Biomedical Implant Engineering 105700 KF/EF WS 6
Models and Test Methods in Biomedical Engineering-lectures and practice 105680 KF/EF SS 6
Models and Test Methods in Biomedical Engineering-lectures 105690 EF SS 3

Computational Modeling of Flow in Organs and Medical Devices

  KF/EF SS 6
Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics 1   KF/EF SS 6
Neurovascular implant development 103910 EF SS 3
Biomedizinische Messverfahren und Bildgebung 105740 KF WS+SS 6
Grundlagen der Therapie mit ionisierender Strahlung 67480 EF WS+SS 6
Einführung in die Modellierung von Herz-Dynamiken 72500 EF WS 6
Übungen Biomedizinische Messverfahren und Bildgebung 105730 EF WS+SS 3
Strahlenschutz 40810 EF WS+SS 3
Grundlagen der medizinischen Strahlentechnik  33500 EF WS+SS 3
Praktikum Biomedizinische Technik
(Event times per notice at the institute)
33510 WS+SS 3

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Specialization Subject: Biomechanics and Bionics
Specialization subject professor: Prof. Oliver Röhrle

Modules  Module number
Subject Turnus ECTS
Einführung in die Kontinuumsbiomechanik 47110 KF/EF WS    6
Bionik für die Medizintechnik 47140 KF/EF WS+SS    6
Neurale Systeme 47290 EF WS    6
Modellierung und Simulation in der Biomechanik 47130 EF SS    6
Mechatronik in der Orthopädie 47120 EF SS/WS    6
Leichtbau 14150 EF SS    6
Methoden der Werkstoffsimulation 30400 EF WS    6
Bioanalytik II für Medizintechnik 51600 EF SS    6
Biorobotik 47300 EF SS    6
Biomechanik für Medizintechnik 47100 EF WS    6
Theoretical and practical aspects in experimental research
104250 EF SS   6
Introduction to Neuromechanics 72940 EF SS    3
Funktionelle Morphologie 47310 EF SS    3
Biomechanik der Zelle 47320 EF WS    3
Biomechanik der menschlichen Bewegung 67960 EF SS    3
Bionisches Arbeiten 47330 EF SS    3
Nanotechnologie I - Chemie und Physik der Nanomaterialien 40280 EF WS+SS    3
Nanotechnologie II - Technische Prozesse und Anwendungen 40290 EF WS    3
Bionik - Ausgewählte Beispiele für die Umsetzung biologisch inspirierter Entwicklungen in die Technik 47340 EF SS/WS    3
Motorisches Lernen, space restriction 47350 EF SS    3
Praktische Übungen Biomechanik und Bionik 47360 SS    3
Praktische Übung - Bionische Produktentwicklung 56900 SS    3

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Advanced modules

Advanced modules provide scientific and engineering foundations for the following fields of knowledge, which are relevant to medical engineering. From three of these groups, students must take one subject (as a compulsory elective module).

Advanced Modules 1                                  
Module no. Term
Medizingerätetechnik  33090  WS  6
Biomechatronische Systeme (teilw. Eng.)  107390  SS/WS  6
Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Tissues (Engl.)    WS  6
Laboratory Techniques and Medical Device Approvals I+II (Engl.)  48770
 Exchange module
 WS+SS  6

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Advanced Modules 2
Module no.
Biomaterialien und Nanotechnologie - Technische Prozesse und Anwendungen der Bio- und Nanomaterialien  47090  WS  6
Biomedical Implant Engineering (Engl.)  105700  WS  6
Neurale Systeme  47290  WS  6

Nanoanalytics / Interfaces I + II  


Exchange module
 SS  6

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Advanced Modules 3
Module no. Term
Biomedizinische Messverfahren und Bildgebung 105740 WS+SS  6
Medical Measurement Methods (Engl.) 75990 WS  6
Systemdynamische Grundlagen der Medizintechnik 46370 WS  6
Bioimaging/Implantology (Engl.) 48790
Exchange module
SS  6

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Advanced Modules 4                                   
Module no.
Technisches Design  14240  WS  6
Kunststofftechnik - Grundlagen und Einführung  14010  WS  6
Deep Learning (Engl.)  75960  SS  6
Biomedical Technologies in Diagnostic and
Therapy I + II (Engl.)
Exchange Module
 WS  6
Clinical Cases and Consequences for Medical Devices I+II (Engl.) 48780
Exchange module Tübingen
 WS+SS  6

Subject to change without notice!

Turnus: WS (offered only in Winter Semester), SS (offered only in Summer Semester), WS/SS (2 semester module, start in Winter Semester), SS/WS (2 semester module, start in Summer Semester), WS+SS (module can be started in Winter Semester as well as in Summer Semester)
Subject: KF (core subject), EF (supplementary subject), PÜ (practical exercises).

Option of module exchange with the University of Tübingen

The following modules of the Biomedical Technologies master’s degree program at the University of Tübingen can be taken as part of the Medical Engineering master’s degree program within the framework of the advanced elective modules and with a maximum of 18 credit points: 


Offered in the winter semester

Module handbook of the Biomedical Technologies master’s degree program at the University of Tübingen


Offered in the winter and summer semester

Module handbook of the Biomedical Technologies master’s degree program at the University of Tübingen


Offered in summer and winter semester

Module handbook of the Biomedical Technologies master’s degree program at the University of Tübingen

Registration for examinations: Please register via email to the examination office for the Medical Technology degree program at the University of Tübingen, Ms. Ulricke King.

Note: Examinations cannot be registered at the Examination Office of the University of Stuttgart via the C@MPUS online portal!

Registration period: corresponds to the registration period for examinations in the Biomedical Technologies master’s degree program and will be announced in good time on the homepage of the Medical Engineering master’s degree program 

Subject-related key competencies

Subject-related key qualifications provide additional related knowledge and skills beyond the regular medical technology courses.

Ethik in der Medizintechnik

Module number: 105110

Turnus: winter

Risk management and statistics in medical technologies

Module number: 107240

language of instruction: Englisch

Turnus: summer


Project Management

Modul number: 103180

Language of instruction: English

Turnus: winter and summer



This image shows Katharina Bosse-Mettler

Katharina Bosse-Mettler


Study program coordinator for Master Medical Engineering, head of the Medical Engineering internship office

This image shows Christoph Schmidt

Christoph Schmidt

M. Sc.

Research Assistant

This image shows Student Counseling Center

Student Counseling Center

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