Medical Engineering partner programs
A stay abroad within the framework of the Medical Engineering M.Sc. program is not compulsory. However, we recommend that you study abroad for one or more semesters. Within the framework of existing cooperation programs, there are numerous opportunities to spend one or more semesters at a university abroad.
Study achievements and examinations that have been completed at a partner university can be credited, provided they are equivalent. Recognition will be granted by the departmental coordinator in cooperation with the examination committee.
The special partner programs for the Medical Engineering study programs are (see accordion entries:
- Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
- Universitat Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Spain
- Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Spain
- Aalto University, Finland
- Lund University, Sweden
- Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- Université Claude Bernard 1, France
- Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
In addition to the special medical engineering partner programs listed here as part of ERASMUS Plus, there are numerous other opportunities to study or do an internship abroad.
Contact persons
Contact person for ERASMUS and partner programs in medical engineering
Departmental Coordinator: Katharina Bosse-Mettler
General information on studies abroad
Division 2 - International Office, Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator, Program Coordinator Europe: Britta Görtz
Katharina Bosse-Mettler
Study program coordinator for Master Medical Engineering, head of the Medical Engineering internship office
Christoph Schmidt
M. Sc.Research Assistant