Internship Department of the Aerospace Engineering Program
The examination regulations in the B.Sc. degree program Aerospace Engineering prescribe a pre-study internship and a technical internship (industrial internship). Students are to become thoroughly familiar with industrial processes; they are to gain insight into the organizational and sociological structure of companies.
Please note that the pre-study internship (basic internship) must be completed before beginning your studies and can only be extended in exceptional cases. If you have any questions, please contact the Internship Department(see below).
- Internship Guidelines
Internship guidelines - Valid from the start of studies in winter semester 19/20 (German only) - Internship Guidelines previous examination regulations
Internship guidelines - Valid from the start of studies in or before winter semester 18/19 (German only)
Pre-study internship
The six-week pre-study internship required in the B.Sc. program in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart must be completed before the start of the program in exceptional cases it can be completed within the first two semesters.
The basic internship must include at least 3 of the 4 areas listed in the internship guidelines with a maximum time scope of 2 weeks per area.
Important information when starting your studies
In this section we explain to all first-year students the necessary steps regarding your pre-study internship. We have opted for a largely electronic process and rely on your assistance for success.
Please read the instructions for the case that applies to you. The following applies to all four cases:
Case 1: You have not started with your internship (0 weeks)
- Subject of e-mail
- Vorpraktikum, 0 Wochen
- Content
- Name
- First Name
- Matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- and the notice that you have not yet completed an internship week.
This gives you until the end of the second semester to provide proof of a complete pre-study internship.
Please note: The internship must now take place during the ongoing study and examination process, for which no special time slot is provided. Take care of an internship promptly. The Internship Department does not maintain a list of possible companies.
Case 2: You have already completed a few weeks of pre-study internship, but not yet all of the required 6 weeks.
- Subject of e-mail
- Vorpraktikum, "X" Wochen, where X corresponds to the number of weeks of internship completed.
- Content
- Name
- First Name
- Matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Proof of the weeks already completed (internship certificate, daily reports and weekly reports (min. 1 DIN A4 page per internship week)) as pdf
You will then receive a reply email after the documents have been checked, naming the recognized internship weeks. This gives you until the end of the second semester to provide proof of a complete pre-study internship.
Please note: The internship must now take place during the ongoing study and examination process, for which no special time slot is provided. Take care of an internship promptly. The Internship Department does not maintain a list of possible companies.
Case 3: You have already completed a few weeks of pre-study internship, but not yet all of the required 6 weeks.
- Subject of e-mail
- Vorpraktikum, Anerkennung
- Content
- Name
- First Name
- Matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Proof of the weeks completed (internship certificate, daily reports and weekly reports (min. 1 DIN A4 page per internship week)) as pdf
You will then receive a confirmation by e-mail after the documents have been successfully checked and the passed pre-study internship will be booked directly in c@ampus. You will recognize this by the fact that the registration block (Rückmeldesperre) will be removed. If there are any queries, we will contact you via e-mail.
Case 4: None of the above?
- Subject of e-mail
- Vorpraktikum, Sonstiges
- Content
- Name
- First Name
- Matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Phone number for any queries
- Exact description of your circumstances
Technical internship
In the B.Sc. program Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart a technical internship with a duration of 12 weeks has to be completed in the sixth semester.
For recognition, in addition to the electronic submission (.pdf) of a technical report and the submission of a confirmation from the company about the duration and topic of the technical internship, the electronic submission (.pdf) of the 'Begleitbogen Fachpraktikum' (Accompanying sheet technical internship) is also mandatory.
- Begleitbogen Fachpraktikum
Accompanying sheet technical internship - mandatory for recognition of the internship (German only) - Internship positions
Selection of Internship positions
Contact persons (Internship Department)
- Contact persons
Dr.-Ing. Jan Pfaff
Dipl.-Ing. Holger Ahlborn - Adress
Pfaffenwaldring 31
70569 Stuttgart
Room 535 (5th floor) - Phone
+49 711 685-62404
+49 711 685-67554
As stated in the examination regulations and the internship guidelines of the aerospace engineering program at the University of Stuttgart, the six-week compulsory pre-study internship must generally be completed prior to the start of the program.
If it was not possible to complete this in advance for compelling reasons, the examination regulations state that an applicant can be enrolled with the condition that proof of the completed pre-study internship must be provided within 2 semesters, i.e. the entire pre-study internship must be recognized by the beginning of the third semester at the latest.
No, the time can be divided into individual weeks, the only important factor is the fulfillment of the areas according to the given subdivision.
The short daily reports should show the activity on each individual day. Furthermore, a detailed report is to be written for each 2-week period. As a reference value, one DIN A4 page per week can be assumed.
Metalworking companies with, for example, trainee mechanics are very well suited as companies for the pre-study internship.
The area of primary molding technology can be done, for example, in a foundry, in the field of plastic injection molding or fiber composites. 3D printing processes do not count as part of this area.
In the area of forming technology, e.g. bending processes etc. are recognizable.
Metal processing companies with, for example, trainee mechanics are very well suited as companies for the pre-study internship.
No, often this pre-study internship must be completed in two or more companies, since, for example, a foundry department is not available in all companies. It may also make sense to split the internship over time if 6 weeks at a stretch are not available.
No, the student procures his or her own internship. In the chosen company, the implementation of the practical activity must be guaranteed in accordance with these guidelines. In case of doubt, the suitability of the company must be discussed in advance with the internship department.
The relevant employment offices and chambers of industry and commerce (Industrie- und Handelskammer - IHK) may be able to assist in arranging pre-study internships. The Internship Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart does not arrange for internships. It also does not maintain a directory of eligible companies for the pre-study internship.
No, the internship can also be split into reasonable individual sections.
No daily or weekly reports are required for the technical internship. What is required is an overall technical report on the projects worked on during the internship. Furthermore, the "Begleitbogen zum Fachpraktikum" (Accompanying sheet for the technical internship) must be submitted.
The technical internship should preferably be carried out in aerospace engineering companies. Companies in Germany and abroad are permitted. The technical internship can also be split between several companies, although completion before the fourth semester is not permitted due to the lack of theoretical qualification. The requirements of the guidelines for the technical internship are rarely met in craft enterprises, so that it is not possible to complete the technical internship there.
Yes, the technical internship must be registered in c@mpus for the examination period in which the recognition of the internship is planned. If the recognition does not take place until the following semester, it will not be an issue. In case of the technical internship, there is no 'administrative five', the registration remains valid until the examination result has been registered.
During the internship, the intern is subject to the respective company regulations. He/she is expected to show interest, helpfulness and discipline towards colleagues and supervisors. The intern himself/herself must ensure that the company provides the prescribed training. The conclusion of a job contract between the intern and the company is recommended, whereby the division of the internship period is to be agreed upon in advance. The intern is not obliged to attend vocational school. The intern is expected to take part in factory classes or company-internal courses.
It is up to the company providing the internship to decide whether and to what extent remuneration is paid, taking into account the statutory regulations.
Contact for further questions
Michael Reyle
Dr. rer. nat.Academic Employee, Program Manager Aerospace Engineering

Christian Koch
Dr.-Ing.Manager Altitude Test Facility, Academic advisor, deputy head of the institute