Your study program is composed of various modules. A module, in turn, consists of one or more courses, which are linked in terms of content and are rounded off thematically. This is also recognizable in the C@MPUS management system: a module number consists of 5 figures - a course number consists of 9.
A module is completed by passing an exam, by handing in a written assignment or term paper, or by another verifiable achievement. For a completed module you will receive ECTS credits. A single ECTS credit approximates a 30-hour work load per semester. 30 credits are to be earned per semester.
The individual modules with the courses that have to be taken, the contents and learning objectives as well as exams and / or assignments are described in the module handbooks. With the help of the module handbooks and the curriculum, you can get an overview of the entire study program. The module handbooks are continuously updated by the module managers.