Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering (WASTE)

Master of Science 

Standard Period of Study: 4 semesters
Teaching Language: English
[Photo: Cristián Acevedo]

Studying abroad: what opportunities does my study program offer?

The University of Stuttgart offers a master’s double degree program in cooperation with the MAUI master’s degree program (Meio Ambiente Urbano e Industrial; Urban and Industrial Environment) at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba, Brazil.

After successful completion of both programs, students are awarded with the master’s degree from UFPR and from the University of Stuttgart.

Studying abroad: what opportunities does the University of Stuttgart have to offer?

Are you interested in going on exchange for a semester or two? Or would you rather do some research or attend a language course? Have you ever thought of joining a Summer School or planned an internship abroad? Whatever you have in mind for your exchange, the International Office will help you make your stay abroad an unforgettable experience. The first step will be to sign up online for our information sessions at the International Office that are offered on a regular basis. We look forward to your registration!


This image shows Lu Chen

Lu Chen


Course Manager M.Sc. WASTE

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