uniqUS – Unit for Inclusive University Culture

UniqUS – Unit for Inclusive University Culture is committed to the actual enforcement of equal rights and provides advice and information for students and university staff with family responsibilities as well as funding opportunities for female students and junior academics.

UniqUS – Unit for Inclusive University Culture provides advice and information on the following promotion programs and topics:

  • Projects for female pupils, students and junior academics
  • Support opportunities for studies and academic research
  • Promotion program of the State of Baden-Württemberg for female scientists with families pursuing a professorship
  • Application for scholarships
  • Participation in the support programs of the Gender Equality Office
  • Planning an academic career

It provides advice and information for all sexes on:

  • Support opportunities for students and university staff with family responsibilities, e.g. emergency childcare
  • Sexual discrimination and harassment



uniqUS – Unit for Inclusive University Culture

Azenbergstraße 12, 70174 Stuttgart

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