The project "UFO" (Use of neUrophysiological interFaces and tactile-assisted virtual reality to promote occupational InclusiOn) at the Institute of Educational Science (IfE) of the University of Stuttgart develops trainings, neurosensors and tactile actuators. This training is designed to empower people who are considered neurodivergent, such as those with autism or ADHD. The result improves inclusion and promotes understanding and social acceptance of neurodivergent people.
Junior Professor Maria Wirzberger, Professor for Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems and scientific member of BITS, and Laura Bareiß, research assistant in the UFO project, explain in the video how VR training works and what goals they are pursuing with their research.
UFO: Promoting neurodiversity with VR training
The project involves the Department of Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems (LLis) and the Department of Vocational Education with a focus on Technology Didactics (BPT) at the IfE. The Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management (IAT), the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO), auticon GmbH, NIRx Medizintechnik GmbH and Sensovo GmbH are also involved.
Jacqueline Gehrke
Christina Fischer
Online Editor