Working during your studies

To afford a living in Germany, you might keep an eye out for a job. This website provides information on job possibilities and work permit.

You are an international student who is studying at the University of Stuttgart and you are looking for a job? Please consider that the courses you have to attend during your studies are not compatible with a full-time job. It is possible, though, to work part-time while studying at the University of Stuttgart.

How do I find a job?

For international students the most convenient way is to work as a student assistant (studentische Hilfskraft/Hiwi) at an institute of the university. Look for bulletins posted around campus, online or inquire directly at the respective secretary’s office. The in­stitutes, the university library, computer pools and the Studierendenwerk also offer Hiwi positions online.

Also inquire at the employment agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) on temporary work for stu­dents, for example in restaurants, as unskilled labor in factories, warehouses or firms:

  • Bundesagentur für Arbeit Stuttgart:
    Nordbahnhofstr. 30–34
    70191 Stuttgart
    Tel. 0800 455 5500
    Office hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 12 pm, Thurs also from 2 pm - 6 pm
  • Bundesagentur für Arbeit, branch office Vaihingen:
    Industriestr. 5
    70565 Stuttgart
    Tel. 0180 155 51 11
    Office hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 12 pm, Thurs till 6 pm

What do I need in order to work in Stuttgart?

If you want to work in Germany, your employer will ask you for an electronic tax card [de] (elektronische Lohnsteuerkarte or ELStAM). If you take up work in Ger­many for the first time, you need to provide your employer with your tax identification number (ID Nr.) and your birthday. Please contact the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern if you do not have an identification number yet. You also need a social security number (Sozialversicherungsnummer) which you can apply for through your state health insurance provider. If you are single and do not have children, you may earn up to EUR 450 per month without hav­ing to pay tax and contributions towards unemployment or pension insurance, etc. If you pay tax, you may get (part of) it back if you apply for a tax back through an income tax statement (Einkommenssteuererklärung). Further information you will find at the online tax office Elster [de] or the tax office of the place where you live. In Stuttgart, please call on the information desk of the Finanzamt Stuttgart [de].

Work permit

Students who are citizens of EU countries can work in accordance with the applica­ble laws for German students. Students from all other nations are allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours per week as a student assistant (Hiwi) at the university, plus 120 full or 240 half days per year(begins with the start of your work) outside the university. This must be stated explicitly in the pass­port. When you receive your residence permit, make sure that this entry is included.


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