Exam organization

Get basic information here about exams - registration, regulations, illness notices. But the ultimate source for definitive answers to all your examination-related questions is the Student Service and Examination Office.

All legal regulations pertaining to exam registration, the type of examination, the time of the examination and its scope can be found in the examination regulations. This is why it is important to download the examination regulations right at the beginning of your study program.

The general regulations are available on this webpage. Specific regulations for the various study programs can be found in the study program information.

Information for examiners

  • It is only possible to register for exams during the registration period. The exact registration period and information about exam registration will be sent to your student email address. Any registrations submitted after the registration period has ended will not be accepted.
  • You will not be automatically registered for exams. That means you must also register for any repeat examinations in the following semester during the registration period online in C@MPUS.
  • If a second exam /repeat exam date is offered during the same semester, it is not possible to register via C@MPUS (because the registration period has expired). If this is the case, please register using the form "exam registration / replacement form" at the examinations office. If you only wish to reschedule your exam date, i.e. if you would rather take the exam on the second date instead of the first date for which you have already registered, please send us a message using the contact form with the following information: Exam name, exam number, name of the examiner and the second date offered for the examination.
  • If any issues arise during registration please contact the person responsible during the registration period.

Registration deadlines and examination dates

You may register for term papers, Bachelor thesis or Master thesis at any time, in accordance with the relevant examination regulations.

  • To register your Bachelor or Master thesis please use the form available in C@MPUS under "my applications".
  • To register for term, research or semester papers special registration forms exist. They are published on our website. You may also receive them from the responsible staff member in the examination office.


Contact to the examination office

  • You may withdraw from your exam registration online via C@MPUS, provided you comply with the withdrawal deadline of seven days before the exam. This is only possible if the examination date has been determined and the examinations in question are student assessments or examinations in the categories “PL”, “USL” and “BSL”.. Withdrawing from your exam registration online is not possible if the examination date has not been determined. In this case you must complete a withdrawal form which is also available in C@MPUS (app "my requests").
  • If you fail to comply with the withdrawal deadline, or if the examination is a repeat examination and requires a signature from the examining board, the completed withdrawal form and an explanation must be signed by the examining board and submitted to the examination office. Please be aware that this type of withdrawal can take several days to be processed.
  • In the case of LBPs (examinations that accompany the course and are spread throughout the semester), you must submit your withdrawal application either during the examination registration period or it must be approved by the examining board. You can find out which examinations are LBPs by reading the examination regulations.
  • In the case of illness, you will need a medical certificate stating that you are unable to take the exams. The medical certificate, together with a completed withdrawal form, must be submitted to the examination office no later than 3 days after the examination, e.g. via our contact form.

Please note that the examination office cannot retrieve digital sick notes directly from your health insurance provider.

  • The cancellation form should be completed with the help of your transcript of records which you find on C@MPUS. The correct name, number and the date of the examination can also be found there. Please be aware that we cannot process incomplete withdrawal forms.
  • If you successfully withdraw from your exam registration, this will appear in your transcript, with the reference:
    „withdraw/t“ = withdrawal within the deadline
    “ill” = withdrawal due to illness
    “withdraw/p” = withdrawal approved by the examining board
  • The head of the examination committee is responsible for the recognition of previous achievements. The recognized achievements are recorded by the examination office.
  • The recognized achievements are marked on your certificate.
  • We need the module or examination number and the allocation of the curriculum in order for us to be able to record the recognized achievement.

Recognition of examination results

  • Changes to the examination regulations can only be undertaken for study programs where the students are currently enrolled, as long as new examination regulations have been published.
  • If the examination regulations are changed for modules that have not yet been completed, these must be completed in compliance with the old examination regulations and not the new ones. The modules will be altered in accordance with the new examination regulations as soon as all parts of the module and assessments have been completed.

Form: Application for Change of Examination Regulations (PDF)

  • You must register for any required module online via C@MPUS.
  • Required modules can usually be repeated. How often they may be repeated is published in the admission regulation of your Master's program according to which you were admitted. You do need to have passed the required modules when you register your Master’s thesis; if you fail to do this, your study program admission expires and this will result in de-registration. 
  • If the required modules are not visible in the registration template, please inform those responsible at the examination office immediately so that they can activate the required modules. Please be aware that even in such cases it is still not possible to register after the registration deadline has passed.

More information on the required modules (Auflagenmodule) and on how often they can be repeated is published in your Master's admission regulation.

Admission regulations for Master's study programs

  • The Center for Higher Education and Lifelong Learning is responsible for registering and recording interdisciplinary key skills credits.
  • If key skills credits are not recorded by the Center for Higher Education and Lifelong Learning, the key skills credits can, in exceptional cases, be recorded with a certificate of academic achievement at the examinations office.

Center for Higher Education and Lifelong Learning

Some University of Stuttgart study programs impose certain language requirements. The subject-specific rules for fulfilling language requirements appear in the respective exam regulations. Should you still need or want to learn a language, you will find a wide selection of language courses at the Language Center.

Qualification in Latin

Information by the Institute of History for obtaining the qualification in Latin [de]

Additional modules are additional, voluntary modules that are not required for the study program. Additional modules are not permitted in all study programs. You can find out whether additional modules are possible in your study program in the examination regulations for your study program. The maximum number of additional modules allowed varies by study program, typically ranging from 2 to 4. Modules can be selected from all degree programs, unless otherwise stipulated in the examination regulations.

As the modules are completed voluntarily and independently of the study program,

  • additional modules are not included in the overall grade of the study program
  • there is no obligation to repeat a failed attempt
  • it is not possible to definitively fail an examination, ensuring that the right to retake the exam is never forfeited.

The additional modules are included as such in the certificate. Graded additional modules are listed with a grade, while ungraded additional modules are marked as 'passed.' This distinction is not optional.

Registration of additional modules

Examinations for additional modules must be registered in C@MPUS during the examination registration period. To register for additional modules online, you must first be activated by the Examination Office. To do this, contact the Service Desk staff at the Student Service and Examination Office. Once activated, you can register for the examination yourself through the C@MPUS portal under the 'Additional Modules' section. The same applies here: No admission to the examination without registration.

If you're nearing the completion of your Bachelor's degree, you can begin Master's modules within your Bachelor's program, even before formally enrolling in the Master's program. Whether and to what extent you can take Master's modules in advance can be found in the examination regulations of your Bachelor's study program (tip: search for the term "master").

Master’s modules taken in advance will be automatically transferred  - whether passed or failed  - only after the Bachelor’s examination has been successfully completed and the final documents have been issued. However, if the module to be taken in advance can be applied to multiple areas, you must contact the Student Services and Examinations Office Service Desk to specify your preferred assignment. The results are recognized automatically.

If you fail a Master's module taken in advance, you will be required to retake the exam. This is based on the examination regulations of the Master's program to which the module is assigned.

Instructions for registering Master's modules taken in advance

  • Every graduate receives a degree certificate if they successfully complete their study program.
  • You must apply for your certificate (Bachelor‘s and Master‘s) at the examinations office. The application is integrated into your thesis registration form and available in C@MPUS under "my requests" as soon as you have reached a certain number of ECTS. Please submit both together.
  • The processing period for the final certificates is approx. 6 to 8 weeks after your final grades have been recorded.
  • Certified copies can be made only from the original graduation documents.

Transcripts and certificates

Corona: frequently asked questions

With the changes to the Landeshochschulgesetz on January 01, 2021 it was decided that for all students who were enrolled on a study program in the summer semester 2020 or/and the winter semester 2020/21, in the summer semester 2021 or/and winter semester 2021/22, the standard study period will be extended by one semester for each semester where they were enrolled on the said study program. In the meantime, the regulation for the extension of the individual standard period of study has also been extended to students who were enrolled in a degree program in the winter semester 2021/22.

The individual standard study period is thus one, two, three or four semesters longer – depending on how long you were enrolled for – than what is stated in the exam regulations.  The individual standard study period fundamentally affects the length of time you are entitled to receive BaföG payments, and the option to take a trial examination – as long as the option to take a trial examination is stated in the exam regulations.

The option to take a trial examination can only be used for course assessments and graded assessments that are submitted within the standard study period. The Rectorate has also decided that the individual standard study period also applies to students currently taking a sabbatical, or to students who have been granted a leave of absence during the summer semester 2020, the winter semester 2020/21, the summer semester 2021 or winter semester 2021/22.

All students to whom this rule applies will find the relevant document to download (Title: Regelstudienzeit_Verlängerung_XXX) ("extension of the standard study period") in their student file ("My student files" in C@MPUS). 

This “Bescheinigung Verlängerung Regelstudienzeit” can be used as proof for the relevant authorities, e.g. the BAföG office.

This extension of the individual standard study period will not be included on the standard confirmation of student status in C@MPUS.

In order to ensure that no student is disadvantaged due to the corona pandemic, the State University Law has been changed to include a new regulation, stating that the deadlines for completing course assessments or examinations in the study program in which they are enrolled will be extended by one semester for all students who are enrolled at university in the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/21, summer semester 2021 and/or winter semester 2021/22. This also applies to the maximum study period. The maximum extension possible in this case is 3 semesters, even if students were enrolled on a study program at the University of Stuttgart during all 4 previously mentioned semesters.

The University of Stuttgart will implement this new regulation as follows:

  1. All students who are enrolled on an undergraduate study program and have not yet passed the mid-degree exam, will be granted a deadline extension of one semester for each semester they were enrolled in the relevant study program during the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/21, summer semester 2021 and winter semester 2021/22. The deadline can only be extended by a maximum of three semesters.
  2. All students who are enrolled on a study program, where the exam regulations include a maximum study period, will be granted an extension of the maximum study period by one semester for each semester where they were enrolled on the said study program during the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/21, summer semester 2021 and winter semester 2021/22. The deadline can only be extended by a maximum of three semesters.
  3. The deadline for passing obligatory repeat examinations will be extended by one semester for each semester where the student was enrolled on the said study program, during the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/21, summer semester 2021 and winter semester 2021/22. The deadline can only be extended by a maximum of three semesters. This rule only applies to exams taken and failed in one of the previously mentioned semesters. For exams taken in the SS 2022 or later, the normal deadlines of the respective examination regulations apply.

Although people infected with the corona virus are no longer banned from accessing the university or participating in university operations, they must continue to observe isolation requirements, in accordance with the Corona regulations "Quarantine". This states that individuals who test positive for coronavirus are generally required to isolate for 5 days. Anyone leaving their home during this time is required to wear a surgical mask or FFP2 mask indoors and therefore also in University of Stuttgart buildings. For more information on the Corona quarantine regulations, please see the following website of the State of Baden-Württemberg [de].

Any violations of the Corona quarantine regulations constitute a misdemeanor and may be sanctioned with a fine.

You must also decide whether you feel fit enough to take the exam due to your illness and, if necessary, withdraw from the exam as soon as possible. Further information about withdrawing from examinations can be found on this website as well.



Student Service and Examination Office

Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart

  • Further information
  • Please contact the Student Service and Examination Office via our contact form, phone or during our office hours (onsite or online).
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