Materials Science

Master of Science 

Standard Period of Study: 4 semesters
Teaching Language: English

Welcome to M.Sc. Materials Science!

On this website you will find:

Other important links:

The Materials Science study program

Idea of our approach: Understanding starting from the atoms. Photo:

Master of Science

Introductory events in winter semester

On Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm there will be an introductory event for first-year Master's students. The introductory events have the same content; it is therefore only necessary to attend one event.
In the introductory event, the curriculum of the study programme will be presented and informations about the start of the study programme will be given. The introductory event will be offered by the student representatives of Materials Science and the programme coordinator/subject advisor Ralf Schacherl.

The introductory event will be held online via the following WebEx access:

In October, a kick-off event for the study year Material Science in Presence is planned. The exact date of this event will be announced on the programme website.

On the following website you will find detailed information about the curriculum:

The lectures, lab courses, seminars and exams are organised via Campus. Currently, you can only attend a lecture if you have registered for the lecture in Campus beforehand. On the following website you will find instructions on how to use Campus.

General assistance for incoming students is provided by the International office of the university of stuttgart:

Special orientation programmes for international first-year students:

Last but not least, the student representatives are a very important contact point for a successful start to your studies.

There  will be an event, offered by the student representatives on 05.04. at 14:00 CET. Location to be announced.
It will be a hybrid event, in case some students haven't reached the country by that date.
From the international office qe have also been asked to share the dates for the workshops that they offer as part of their orientation days. The dates for said workshops are in the following link:




Information for new international students

An extensive welcome and orientation program, organized by the International Office, awaits our international students: assistance for your first experiences in Stuttgart, an orientation week, informative events and much more.

Class schedules, lectures at the Institute for Materials Science and further information is published on the institute's website.

What job prospects are available to me after graduation?

The degree allows you to choose from a wide offer of occupations ranging from material selection and counseling to quality management. It qualifies you to work independently and autonomously in industrial research as well as basic research in public institutions.


Approximately half of all Masters of Science in Materials Science students earn their PhD and thereby specialize themselves in academic working techniques. Compared to many other subjects, earning a PhD is not mandatory in Materials Science: The employment prospects within industry are not any lower without a PhD title. Should you be striving for an academic career path though, then earning a PhD is a necessity. The strong academic environment in Stuttgart makes for relatively favorable conditions to earn a PhD as well as an academic career path.


The quality of this degree program has been certified.


This image shows Ralf Schacherl

Ralf Schacherl


Fachstudienberatung Materialwissenschaft

This image shows Student Counseling Center

Student Counseling Center

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