The Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering is one of the largest platforms for scientists, physicians, engineers, students, and young professionals to exchange knowledge and experiences on the latest biomedical trends and findings. The upcoming conference will focus on a range of topics such as medical robotics, patient-centred medicine, regulatory affairs, sustainability in healthcare, digital transformation, resilience, and technical independence. Another focus of the conference is the promotion of young talents, scientific interaction, and networking.
This year's conference will be chaired by Prof. Peter Pott from the Institute of Medical Device Technology and organized by the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE).
Tickets for the annual conference can be booked on the VDE website.
- Member 730 Euro (VDE, ÖGBMT, SSBE)
- Non-member 790 Euro
- PhD Students 360 Euro
- Undergraduate Student 190 Euro
- Day Ticket 250 Euro
Young Forum BMT
A satellite event for students and young professionals will take place on September 17, 2024 the day before the conference. Learn about current topics in biomedical engineering, expand your network and find out about career paths. You will need a separate ticket for the event, which you can purchase for 20 euros via the VDE website.
Program Registration & Tickets